Casoria weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 18 June

Tuesday 18 June in Casoria promises a day of good weather, with clear skies for most of the day. Temperatures will rise, with maximum values ​​reaching +32.4°C in the early afternoon. Cloud cover will be virtually absent, with only a few clouds expected in the evening.


Morning: The day will begin with clear skies and pleasant temperatures, around +24.3°C. The wind will be light coming from the North East.

Afternoon: In the early afternoon the sky will remain clear, with temperatures rising sharply to reach +32.4°C. The wind will be moderate coming from the South – South West.

Evening: Even in the evening the sky will be mostly clear, with temperatures remaining pleasant around +24.6°C. The wind will be light coming from the North West.

Final Considerations:

The weather forecast for Tuesday 18 June in Casoria indicates good weather conditions with clear skies and temperatures rising during the day. Cloud cover will be minimal, ensuring a sunny and warm day. For the next few days, stable atmospheric conditions are expected to be maintained, with temperatures that could remain high. It is advisable to pay attention to high temperatures, especially in the central hours of the day, and to adequately protect yourself from the sun’s rays.

All the weather data for Tuesday 18 June in Casoria

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