half-guaranteed abortion, Fermo and Jesi black top (where 100% of gynecologists refuse to practice voluntary termination)

half-guaranteed abortion, Fermo and Jesi black top (where 100% of gynecologists refuse to practice voluntary termination)
half-guaranteed abortion, Fermo and Jesi black top (where 100% of gynecologists refuse to practice voluntary termination)

ANCONA The controversy over abortion that broke out between Italy and France in the shadow of the G7 puts the spotlight back on a particularly delicate issue in the Marche, which has always been a land of objectors regardless of the political color of those who govern it. Tomorrow the issue will land on the tables of the Regional Council – a meeting of the feminist network in Ancona is also planned at the same time – where the state of application of law 194, voluntary termination of pregnancy with pharmacological methods and the role of consultants will be discussed.

The context

A picture, that of the Marche, highly critical from this point of view. Starting from the use of the pharmacological method, available in a few facilities and only up to 7 weeks of gestation (in the rest of Italy it is possible up to 9 weeks). And again: in the consultancy network – which is also suffering due to lack of staff and tools – only in 9 offices out of the 66 present in the regional territory there are no conscientious objector doctors, while in 7 they represent 100%. In 2023, just 27 locations have issued certifications for voluntary termination of pregnancy. A criticality that is amplified in hospital facilities.

The vulnus

From February 2023 in the hospital of Ascoli Piceno it is no longer possible to have an abortion by relying on the Italian Association for Demographic Education (Aied) as a result of an administrative act of the regional council with which the convention which had regulated relations since 1981 was cancelled. Between the parts. Furthermore, according to data provided by ARS to the Pro-choice Rica network, 100% of gynecologists in the hospitals of Fermo and Jesi are conscientious objectors. Things aren’t much better in Osimo and Fano, where they represent 91 and 90% of the total respectively. And even in the Senigallia hospital they are the absolute majority (82%). Only in Ancona and Urbino does the percentage of objectors remain below 30%. But the exception that confirms the rule is not enough to guarantee a good service. For women in the Marche region, voluntary termination of pregnancy represents a real obstacle course. A vulnerability that we have carried with us for decades. Furthermore, the Region has decided not to implement the 2020 national guidelines for the application of pharmacological abortion through the administration of the RU486 pill within clinics. A choice that turned into yet another stake. «Women who decide in full conscience to terminate a pregnancy – we read in the question from the Democratic Party which will be discussed tomorrow in the chamber – must not suffer further psychological stress and a delay in the intervention times also caused by the presence of pro-lifers at the inside the clinics”. Or at least that’s how it should be by law.


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Adriatic Courier

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