Ceremony celebrates 54 years since the birth of the Tuscany Region – News

Ceremony celebrates 54 years since the birth of the Tuscany Region – News
Ceremony celebrates 54 years since the birth of the Tuscany Region – News

The 54th anniversary of the birth of the Tuscany Region was celebrated today in Florence in front of the headquarters of the Presidency of the regional council in Piazza Duomo, a ceremony where the Carabinieri Fanfare played.

“On 7 and 8 June 1970, the Italian citizens residing in the 15 regions with ordinary statute provided for by the 1948 Constitution were called to elect the regional councils. This also happened in Tuscany, where more than 95 percent of the electoral body went to the polls – recalled the President of the Region, Eugenio Giani as reported in a note -.

Thus began the long history of the Tuscany Region, whose 54th anniversary is celebrated today. Making a detailed assessment of over half a century of regional administration is not easy and this is not even the place. However, it is important to highlight how Tuscany, thanks also to the regional institution, has consolidated itself as a land in which innovation and tradition integrate in an optimal way”.

Tuscany, continued the President of the Region, “is the land in which municipal freedoms were born, in which social struggles for work and freedom were established, which therefore has legitimate reasons to be proud of its values, which they are values ​​of integration, tolerance, social well-being, culture, sport, progress and redistribution of wealth. The model of social cohesion and economic development that guides us, combined with the traditions of good governance, makes Tuscany one of the most advanced areas in Europe. “.

“Celebrating the 54 years of life of the Region with the Carabinieri Fanfare, the historic force of the Italian police forces – concludes Giani in the same text – strengthens the sense of democracy, participation and security, which inspires our actions”.

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