Waiting lists in Salerno. Fdi questions Minister Schillaci while waiting for Government funds | POLITICALLY

Waiting lists in Salerno. Fdi questions Minister Schillaci while waiting for Government funds | POLITICALLY
Waiting lists in Salerno. Fdi questions Minister Schillaci while waiting for Government funds | POLITICALLY

It is the Hon. Imma Vietri (FdI), questioning the Minister of Health Schillaci on the waiting lists in Salerno: “They compromise the right to health”. But the Government did not allocate funds in the Waiting List Decree.

Hon. Imma Vietri


NAPLES – “In the ASL Salerno clinics, citizens are forced to deal every day with endless waiting lists that compromise their right to health“. – The Fratelli d’Italia deputy from Campania declared this to Ansa Imma Vietriwho will submit the matter to the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci through a parliamentary question. – “It is disconcerting that, as reported by Uil-FP provincial medical with Mario PolichettiAnd before Polichetti the provincial coordinator Vito Sparanohad reported the suspension of diabetes services at the Eboli Hospital also due to lack of staff – to undergo one urgent orthopedic visit you have to go up to Know to have it quickly, i.e. June 18th. The alternative – continues the parliamentarian – is to wait four months to go to the office Asl Of Whelk or wait until December for an appointment at the clinic Cava de’ Tirreni. Those who need to undergo other specialist visits encounter the same difficulties”.

This is the result of poor management of the Campania healthcare system by the governor De Luca which maintains the Health delegation for itself. Also Campania – states the Hon. Vietri accusing the Campanian health system and the President Vincenzo De Luca, but failing to also report the Government decree on waiting lists, decree which intervenes, but in principle, without assigning a single euro to public health to resolve the problem, which is not only of Campania and Southern Italy, but of the entire country, serious fact that favors only private healthcare, which collects, says thanks, and grinds money, but which passes the costs onto the Italians. Also omitting the fact that the Government itself has allocated fewer funds for healthcare compared to last year, assigning Campania itself 300 million euros less than other regions with the same number of inhabitants. 300 million which represents for the second year the economic value of the construction of two hospitals with over 320 beds – until last year it used less than 50 percent of the national funding for waiting lists and recovered less than 50 percent of the services. Nine years have passed since he took office in the Region and the regional health service, instead of improving, has totally worsened. De Luca try to deal with the real problems of citizens instead of wasting time with useless and sterile controversies.

The Meloni Government is already doing its part – adds the Hon. Vitri underlining the commitment “romantic” And “to become” of the Minister of Health, perhaps even encouraging him and reminding him to allocate more funds to CUP, and more employees at the CUP and in general at the hospitals and public health facilities – with the great commitment of the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci, which, just a few days ago, announced among the various measures approved by the Council of Ministers also the obligation to establish a single regional or sub-regional Cup with all the services available from the public and private sector with an agreement to eliminate the waiting lists providing the possibility of booking diagnostic and specialist visits also on Saturdays and Sundays. Furthermore, monitoring of waiting lists has been entrusted to Agenas, which, if it finds inefficiencies or anomalies in the control of booking diaries, will be able to proceed with audits of healthcare companies.

There are various actions taken by the Meloni Government to take care of public health and improve the quality and territorial uniformity of healthcare, but – concludes Vietri, and we, like her, hope so, but as soon as we realize which measures and which services are being discussed and how many euros will be allocated and above all when it will happen – I remind you that healthcare is a regional responsibility and whoever governs the Regions must ensure an effective organization of the healthcare service while avoiding the waste of resources“.

Salerno, 16 June 2024

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