Zenith Prato, the Serie D dream fades in Castelfidardo

Castelfidardo (Ancona), 16 June 2024 – A deep and unpleasant pain, almost difficult to explain. Especially after what we saw in the first leg match. There Zenith Prato fails to make the dream of the direct passage come true D series and falls under the blows of the Castelfidardo in the return match, losing 3-1 and making the success obtained just seven days ago in the first leg at Lungobisenzio in vain.

It was clear from the start that the day would be very complicated. After less than 20 seconds of play Kouassi loses a ball near the edge of the area and Evangelisti draws the joker from outside for the immediate advantage of the Marche team, who regain confidence and vigor, immediately rebalancing the double match. Extremely cold shower for the bluamaranto, who seem to have remained in the changing rooms and also take the 2-0 lead in the 14th minute: cross from Pedini, Nanapere’s tackle for Braconi who all alone beats poor Brunelli for the second time. Settesoldi’s team is visibly in shock, but still tries to roll up their sleeves. In the 19th minute Falteri tries with a shot from out of bounds off target. In the 22nd minute Nanapere commits a foul on Saccenti with a far ball, but the referee pardons him and only draws a yellow card. In the 35th minute the home team moved forward again with Fabbri’s cross for Braconi’s tap-in, this time well neutralized by the Zenith goalkeeper Prato. On the immediate turnaround Kouassi causes panic in the Marche area, but in the end he only earns a corner kick.

In the 42nd minute, a save from Brunelli was needed again in two halves to say no to Fabbri’s insidious diagonal shot and just before the break Nanapere kicked wide from a good position. We arrive at half-time with Zenith Prato down by two goals and practically never dangerous in the local area. In the second half the music changes. In the 60th minute, however, Nanapere becomes dangerous following a free kick, which heads the attentive Brunelli. A minute later Cannoni gets his second yellow card and leaves Castelfidardo numerically inferior. It seems like the episode that could give a positive turn to the match for the Prato team, who in fact achieved the 2-1 which would postpone the outcome of the double match to extra time: in the 67th minute Castiello brushed in a nice cross for Cela, who scored and reopened the challenge. Two minutes later Falteri takes center stage and forces goalkeeper Sarti to make a great dive to deflect it for a corner. In the bluamaranto’s best moment, however, around the 78th minute Miotto brought Castelfidardo back ahead with a shot from sidereal distance. Zenith Prato didn’t give up and in the 89th minute they hit the post with Rosi, well fed by Chiaramonti. In the last minute of injury time, then, it was Sarti who said no to Mariani’s header which could have given Prato Serie D. Too bad guys, thanks anyway.

Here is the match scoreboard

Castelfidardo 3 Zenith Prato 1 CASTELFIDARDO: Sarti, Padini, Fabbri, Cannoni, Fabiani, Morganti, Evangelisti, Miotto, Braconi, Nanapere, Sidorenco. Available: Schirripa, Fossi, Nacciarriti, Graciotti Lu., Guella, Marzuolo, Niccolini, De Meo, Graciotti Lo. All. Giuliodori. ZENITH PRATO: Brunelli, Castiello, Bagni, Cela, Casini, Kouassi, Lunghi, Saccenti, Rosi, Chiaramonti, Falteri. Available: Pellegrini, Mariani, Mari, Luka, Gonfiantini, Ciravegna, Buscema, Braccesi, Moretti. Annex Sevensoldi. Referee: Framba from Turin. Goals: 1′ Evangelisti, 14′ Braconi, 67′ Cela, 78′ Miotto. Notes: 61′ Cannoni sent off.

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