24-hour marathon around the Il Tirreno tables

LAWN. Maybe you saw it too last night. A group of boys and girls wandering around the historic center writing from time to time on their smartphones. They didn’t talk to each other but moved as if they were looking for something. And indeed they were: they were playing “Missing Alice”, one of the games in the 24-hour marathon dedicated to role-playing games organized for the second consecutive year by Dragonia, the miniatures and role-playing game shop on Via Rinaldesca. The appointment was for 10 on Saturday morning. About thirty initial participants, distributed in three of the five locations available from the area’s merchants. «Role playing is truly a transversal passion, there is no age, educational level or social background of reference – says Edoardo Dalla Via, who together with Andrea Seguino manages the shop in via Rinaldesca – the most famous is obviously Dungeons & Dragons, which turns 50 this year, but many others are also played and loved.” The first table is right in the shop on via Rinaldesca: a D&D adventure forbidden to children under 18 and tailor-made for the marathon. At Mondi Paralleli, the bookshop specializing in comics in via Ser Lapo Mazzei, at 11am the table dedicated to “Monster+Maid= Mistress” has already come into play, a game in which you have to impersonate a mistress, a mistress, and many servants with monstrous sides. «Here there was a last minute defection – says Dalla Via – two girls had an accident last night, luckily nothing serious». We also ask what it takes to endure an RPG marathon. «Just the coffee», replies Alessia, who will be one of the eight people who will attempt the feat of holding on for the entire duration of the marathon. In fact, the appointment is organized into seven time slots: you can come and go as you like, have just a three-hour session or organize yourself. «Last year only one person managed to reach the end of the marathon – says one of the two owners of Dragonia with amusement – ​​the others collapsed, some for one reason, some for another». Dragonia is not new to initiatives of this kind. For Halloween, for example, he organizes a huge treasure hunt involving dozens and dozens of businesses in the historic center. «We have been open for a year and a half and I must say that our initiatives were immediately welcomed with enthusiasm – explains Dalla Via – now we no longer have to go and propose things ourselves, others come and ask us when the next one will be». One of the points of reference of the long day dedicated to role-playing games is Squisio, the steampunk pub in via Santa Trinita, where the lunch break will also be held. Here there are actually three tables: you play a survival horror game with zombies (The end of the world), you impersonate a martial arts master in medieval China (Hearts of Wulin) or you test a new game with a fantasy setting (Saecula Omnia). In the afternoon, new games, from the classic Warhammer, Mad Max to D&D Lego, and new tables in the spaces of the Bottega delle Lingue and Progetto Scuola (via Tinaia). The night of role-playing players, however, will be in the spaces of Dragonia: horror, uchronic, dystopian and of course fantasy role-playing games. Who knows if anyone managed to resist until the “Breakfast of Champions” at 10am this morning.

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