Police headquarters at the old hospital: after the stop by the ASL, the center-left of Massa writes to the Region

Police headquarters at the old hospital: after the stop by the ASL, the center-left of Massa writes to the Region
Police headquarters at the old hospital: after the stop by the ASL, the center-left of Massa writes to the Region

MASSA – «As representatives of the political forces and civic movements, as well as municipal councilors of Massa, we wish to express our dissent regarding the choice of the mayor of Massa, Francesco Persiani, to place the new police headquarters within a public park ». Thus begins the letter to the governor of Tuscany Eugenio Giani and to the group leaders in the Regional Council of opposition municipal councilors: Enzo Romolo Ricci, Giovanna Santi, Daniele Tarantino, Gabriele Carioli, Stefano Alberti (Pd); Ivo Zaccagna and Dina Dell’Ertole (Massa is something else); and Claudia Giuliani (Pd municipal secretary) together with the other secretaries of the local center-left parties.

«We consider this decision unacceptable, since it would deprive citizens of a further green area and would effectively open up a process of further overbuilding that our territory does not need. Furthermore, this activity contrasts with the environmental and social sustainability policies that are the basis of the government program of the president of the Tuscany Region and of the council majority that governs Tuscany. Faced with these circumstances, through numerous political and institutional interlocutions, through the regional councilor of Massa-Carrara, Giacomo Bugliani, we proposed an alternative to the municipal administration: the use of the monoblock of the Vecchio S. Giacomo e Cristoforo hospital , currently in disuse. This building complex, still sadly unused, could be used as a new headquarters for the Police Headquarters, thus improving the working conditions of the agents and redeveloping a central area of ​​the city, recovering a place for the benefit of the Apuan community as has happened and is happening in other Tuscan cities”.

«Recently – continues the letter – we have received reassuring news from the Tuscany Region and the ASL, represented by the general director, on the feasibility of the operation with regard to the volume of the monoblock for the new Police Headquarters, through a dedicated technical-political path. This reassured us and gave us new life to continue the work we are doing for the community with dedication, commitment and honor. However, following the request to open an institutional table with all the actors involved, we learned with disappointment from a new note from the local ASL that blocks, or would like to block, the project, reminding us that the monoblock is included in the disposal plan of the Tuscany Region. So they hypothesize a fate for the old Massa hospital that is not in favor of the community, going in the opposite direction to what happened in Pistoia and Prato. We would like to remind the local ASL managers that this disposal plan is drawn up by the technicians, but is subject to regional political approval, and that therefore the President of the Region and the majority of the Regional Council will decide”.

«To them – concludes the letter – to whom we ask for an urgent meeting, we reiterate that, for the construction of the new Police Headquarters, it is necessary to exploit the unused square meters of the monoblock owned by the Tuscany Region. We firmly believe that politics must address and resolve technical problems, even if this involves a revision of the disposal plan. We therefore ask the President of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, and the presidents of the majority groups of the Tuscany Regional Council to support and take responsibility for the success of this decision, demolishing the monoblock and handing over the area in question for the construction of the new Police Headquarters , reminding the ASL technicians to limit themselves to their area, leaving political decisions to the elected officials.”

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