G7 report cards in Puglia, passed and failed. Pope Superstar, Macron in crisis, Biden wins, Scholz unenthusiastic

G7 report cards in Puglia, passed and failed. Pope Superstar, Macron in crisis, Biden wins, Scholz unenthusiastic
G7 report cards in Puglia, passed and failed. Pope Superstar, Macron in crisis, Biden wins, Scholz unenthusiastic

The great guest leaders of the have gone G7, and all that remains of them – here in Borgo Egnazia – are a few memories, told in a whisper, for fear of retaliation at work, of those who made the beds of the big names and also the bathrooms: «The most polite were two Germans. All they did was say danke, danke, danke.”

Who? «Ursula von der Leyen is Scholz’s wife, who is a real lady». The others, a little rude? No, but a bit hasty as is perhaps clear in such geopolitically challenging events.

The G7 “report cards”.

And in any case: «I hope they will soon return to take their holidays in this wonderful place Puglia – Giorgia’s words – and in the meantime the leaders all left happy.” Precisely all the contents, from the point of view of personal results and specific national interest, cannot be said to be reduced by the Italian trip. There were winners, losers and draws in this super-summit which, on a social level, ended with Andrea Bocelli’s concert in the small square of Borgo Egnazia with Biden who slept in the front row, ditto Ursula who took a nap despite Puccini, and nearby the Meloni-Sunak couple beamed and beamed while listening to Turandot.


If Meloni won by a landslide – some of his people renamed her «Sinner», before going to relax at the G7 concluded at the concert in Bari by Renato Zero who the other morning, met in a bar in the centre, said: «Ah, he’s up for it the G7? I didn’t know it” – Macron emerged bruised from this three days of charm and global challenges. Going to Paris, the French president had a gloomy expression whose electoral ambush on abortion failed: because the Italian-led G7, in its conclusions, did not cancel the defense of abortion in its conclusions but neither did it this question is a fetish.

The frost between Macron and Meloni at the dinner in the Swabian castle of Brindisi signaled an ongoing conflict, but perhaps more due to the fact that the Frenchman could not bear to see himself overtaken by Giorgia in the protagonism over Ukraine, of having to note that in the eyes of all colleagues were relevant his defeat at the European elections and the probable one in the early political vote and in general the loss of weight of the Franco-German axis which is one of the highlights of this G7. By the way, what about Scholz? Her much appreciated wife made the orecchiette by hand with the women that Meloni called to the little square of this “global village” (copyright Giorgia) and mentioned dancing the pizzica. Very good. The Chancellor, however, was the least enthusiastic about the decision on Russian assets to be allocated to Ukraine and every time he mentioned tightening sanctions against Moscow he darkened. He returns to Berlin, where the right-wing ADF extremists have overtaken the Social Democrats, rather exhausted. Scholz is among the losers, while both Trudeau and Kishida drew.

The shoes and the peaceful

The Canadian (admired by the local women both for his prowess and because he was free after his separation from his wife) stood out above all for his brown shoes under his dark institutional suit. He may be happy about the G7’s focus on the Indo-Pacific, but he has remained lateral even though the Japanese signed an agreement with Zelensky. Who won and how, to the point that he paid many compliments to the Pope, with whom he didn’t get along because he considered him not harsh enough towards Putin, and Francis reciprocated: «I continue to pray for you, but pray for me. ».

However, having the 50 billion is a sop for Zelensky, or rather a sop, which he would love to increase by immediately being accepted as a new member of NATO, but it can’t be done because the Tsar would also start bombing the Colosseum and the Statue of Liberty. Von der Leyen won a small victory in the sense that no strong alternative name to him as president of the EU Commission emerged in the corridors and at the pissside of Borgo Egnazia. And everyone honored her as if he were already at an encore, which he isn’t but could also be. It remains to be said about Biden. He lost because he showed all his physical fragility, but he won by a landslide – and therefore passed with flying colors – because the line on Ukraine is his line and also the line, together with Meloni, on migration and support for countries Africans. It remains to say about the Pope. But it would be useless: everyone, absolutely everyone, wanted to climb astride his wheelchair. And since he didn’t play spoilsport on Ukraine, saying (as in the past) that it must raise the “white flag” or that Russia is the victim of NATO “barking at its doors”, Bergoglio looked like Biden: both physically bruised but triumphant in a G7 for old lions plus Giorgetta.


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