«G7 showcase of the best Puglia»: words of Michele Emiliano

President Michele Emiliano, that Puglia showed the world the G7 promoted by Giorgia Meloni, which concluded yesterday in Borgo Egnazia?

«Thanks to this G7, the whole world, in every corner, now knows our region and has been able to appreciate it from the images and stories of the international media. We were up to the task of this event, the people of Puglia have once again demonstrated an exemplary spirit of hospitality and collaboration compared to the impressive organizational and security machine put in place by the government, in synergy with the region and with all the institutions of the territory . I am sure that the delegations, made up of thousands and thousands of people, will bring to their countries a more than positive memory of Puglia and Italy, where modernity and efficiency combine perfectly with the beauty of the places and their authenticity. Many new bonds have been born in recent days and this can only generate good results.”

The universal vocation of the region, gateway to the East and capital of dialogue – Mare Nostrum lake of peace for Franco Cassano – did it influence the outcome of the summit?

«For years we have been working to affirm the role that Puglia intends to play in history and that is to be that place where, through hospitality and dialogue, mutual knowledge, progress and therefore the building of peace are promoted. That place where no one has to feel like a foreigner. We have been able to promote and host large international and ecumenical events always in the wake of a high and inclusive message. I am sure that all this immense work in which I have been involved from 2004 to today has influenced the choice of the location of the G7. And so yes, I really hope that this very favorable context may have once again favored the achievement of new awareness, in the name of a future of peace, justice, equity and sustainability”.

A few days ago the European elections closed. The Democratic Party is the leading party in the South and in Puglia, while Antonio Decaro is now “mister 500 thousand preferences”. How was this double exploit constructed?

«Decaro truly embodied all the best qualities that a politician can have, in the fullest sense of representing the people who elected him. Clearly, in addition to these personal, human and political qualities, there is also the value of a team, which finds a fundamental pivot in the democratic party and which embraces civility and many other components of our coalition. Very high administrative skills combined with progressive values ​​are always recognized by citizens.”

Most voted Decaro by Elly Schlein: will there be any effects on the balance of the Nazarene?

«We are experiencing a phase of great political and institutional harmony within our coalition…


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