His wife wants to leave him, he threatens her: arrested in Prato Sesia

His wife wants to leave him, he threatens her: arrested in Prato Sesia
His wife wants to leave him, he threatens her: arrested in Prato Sesia

His wife wants to leave him, he threatens her: arrested in Prato Sesia. The woman reports a life of harassment. But he declares himself innocent.

His wife wants to leave him, he threatens her: arrested in Prato Sesia

After years of insults and mistreatment she decided to say enough. But the husband’s response was not long in coming: and he sent his wife a series of messages with decidedly worrying threats. But then an unusual “deferred arrest” began for a 60-year-old from Prato Sesia, i.e. not carried out in flagrante delicto. One of the first performed in the Novara area.

This is an order to limit personal freedom carried out by the police even some time after the crime was committed, if documented by evidence. And this is the case of what happened between Romagnano and Prato Sesia.

The story

Worried about the threats, the woman decided to contact the Romagnano Sesia police who collected the woman’s story. Those messages were not just the result of a period of crisis for the couple, behind them there was a ten-year history of mistreatment.

The woman first showed the police the messages she had received from her husband, then she spilled the beans, telling a story of over ten years of mistreatment where there was no shortage of aggression, threats and insults, all hidden within the home.

A difficult life

But after a life together the woman decided to say enough, she wanted to leave her husband. And this unleashed the fury of the man who sent threatening messages.

The evidence collected by the police led to the deferred arrest. Against the man, the judge for preliminary investigations of the Novara court issued the precautionary measure of prohibiting him from approaching the victim with an electronic bracelet. In front of the judge he denied all charges and the story supported by his wife.

After his arrest he was released and moved to another province while awaiting trial.
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