Pd, (armed) truce in Piedmont. It’s about the seats in the Region

Pd, (armed) truce in Piedmont. It’s about the seats in the Region
Pd, (armed) truce in Piedmont. It’s about the seats in the Region

Oscar Serra 07:00 Thursday 20 June 2024

Tuesday’s secretariat closed with the traditional analysis of the defeat and some good intentions for the future. No conference on the horizon. Pentender group leader, Canalis towards the vice-presidency of Palazzo Lascaris. And now it’s Mazzù who ends up in the crosshairs

What you can breathe in is an atmosphere of apparent calm PD of the Piedmont. Nothing happened at the secretariat on Tuesday evening redde rationem, the usual calm analysis of the defeat and some good intentions for the future, from the political training school, which will start in September, to the establishment of the administrators’ forum. Nobody mentioned the request for an early congress, raised in the previous days by Chiara Gribaudo And Anna Rossomando, albeit with different nuances. “I wouldn’t understand the reasons” the secretary reacted Mimmo Rossi which also shows off a result that should protect it from controversy and attacks: the Democratic Party obtained 23.95% in the regional elections, one point more than the 22.93 in the European elections. And if the defeat of Gianna Pentenero was the largest ever suffered by the center-left in Piedmont, the responsibility should at least be shared with the rest of the local and national leadership group. No scapegoat and indeed willingness, at least in words, to begin a unitary path in a non-trivial step which involves the nomination of group leader and vice-president of the Council at Palazzo Lascaris and of the successor of Nadia Conticelli in the Red Room.

Rossi has already undertaken the first informal talks and if no one, for the moment, seems to question Pentenero’s choice to lead the dem phalanx in the opposition to Alberto Cirio, there are still steps to be taken regarding the vice-presidency of the Piedmontese parliament. It’s not obvious – they say from the area of Elly Schlein – that it is up to the minority. “If an agreement is not found, the group will vote” he states Nadia Conticelli, regional councilor and president of the party, knowing full well that the area that refers to the secretary has the majority of councilors (8 elected out of 13 awaiting the Court of Appeal count). Among the Bonaccinians there are at least two who aim for that box: Monica Canalisthanks to the popular investiture which brought it over 10 thousand votes, and the Alessandria Mimmo Ravetti.

Positions and positions that take place with an eye fixed on 2027 when, in addition to the Municipality of Turin, the political elections will take place. Four of the six Piedmontese Dem parliamentarians in office are in their third term and will only be able to obtain a place on the list if the party grants them an exemption. Maybe to one or two, it’s unlikely to do it for everyone. These are the vice president of Palazzo Madama, Rossomando, the deputy Gribaudo, the former Article 1 Federico Fornaro and Cuperlian Andrea Giorgis (to which one would add Piero Fassino, elected in another region). The Nazarene will decide on them but perhaps a little word will also be up to the regional party and who knows if this is why there were those who asked for a showdown complete with a change at the top of the Piedmontese party. An attempt at a turnaround also failed due to the lack of interest shown by Schlein herself in a changing of the guard, especially given the loyalty shown by Rossi in the months in which he sometimes found himself acting as a notary of choices made by others and in particular by the award-winning company Taruffi & Baruffi, specialist in electoral disasters (Piedmont was also no exception).

If anything, it is now that he ends up in the crosshairs Marcello Mazzù: the continuous attacks against the mayor of Moncalieri Paolo Montagna they annoyed half the party, “especially after a campaign in which they spent only on Laura Pompeo”. The various legal problems of the mayor of the fifth largest city in Piedmont are well known, as is his authoritarian management of the town hall; the coarseness with which the case was opened, however, risks obtaining the opposite effects to those hoped for. In fact, no fault line has opened up in the Moncalier majority where Pompeo now appears even more isolated. It is no coincidence that in recent days, right at Draft, Conticelli spoke of a rebalancing of representation in the Turin Federation. “If you don’t like me, you have to distrust me” he himself reportedly said to Conticelli on Tuesday evening during the demonstration “in defense of the Constitution” in front of the Palazzo Civico. He is a statement that the person concerned denies.

The match in the Region is necessarily intertwined with that in the Municipality where a group leader is being sought in place of Conticelli. She would like Pierino Cremadue to current adjacency, the rest of the councilors seem oriented differently: the most popular is Claudio Cerratothe alternatives are Luca Pidello And Vincenzo Camarda.

Work is also underway among the other opposition forces at Palazzo Lascaris. In the M5s where the role of group leader has already been reserved by the presidential candidate Sarah Disabatoand in Avs which will probably be led by Alice Ravinale, over 8 thousand preferences in Turin. These two parties will also compete for the seat of chamber secretary that the Five Star Movement claims for themselves, while the Democratic Party seems more oriented towards guaranteeing the red-green allies.

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