“Crolla De Luca, the Democratic Party is the only alternative”

“Crolla De Luca, the Democratic Party is the only alternative”
“Crolla De Luca, the Democratic Party is the only alternative”

The European polls have delivered a picture in which, beyond the fact that De Luca remains the first party in Messina and its province, descent (net) compared to the “prairies” of 2022 (HERE) and of balance of power between the ScN and the centre-right and centre-left coalitions they have changed. The leader himself pulled the plug for two weeks and in addition to the awareness of having failed in the national leap with just over 1%, knowing how to read the numbers well, he also started reflecting on what to do. Meanwhile in the city it is right the Democratic Party, first with Armando Hyerace e then with the former national deputy Maria Flavia Stamp (and candidate for the European Championships with an excellent result) to send the first strong signals that the wind has changed.

The recent data from the European elections finally shows a new structure of the political balance in the city –explains Maria Flavia Stamp – The Democratic Party records a significant increase in consensus which gives rise to hope and must be translated into a renewed responsibility of the partyor, who must be even more present among the people – committing himself to representing their needs and expectations – declares Timbro The response of the polls, upon a more careful reading, tells us that it is no longer the time for political illusionists and shouters and that the PD is called to take on a strong, serious, identity-based role in opposition to the local administration, positioning itself as the only possible alternative. Let’s make a commitment to the citizens of Messina: Enough with the propaganda, now we need politicsto”.

The data that emerged from the polls demonstrates, as Maria Flavia Timbro highlights, the collapse of the consensus of the mayor of Taormina (also in the pearl of the Ionian Sea conquered a year ago) and which, al net of his personal affirmation passes from the 24% achieved in the 2022 regional elections to 7% in these latest European elections. In fact, this very result also calls into question De Luca’s strategy with respect to his candidacy to lead the center-left coalition as pursued from 2022 to today (HERE)

“Suffered a real arrest on a regional basis and proved non-existent on a national basis – Timbro continues – Despite the “powerful electoral war machine”, built in the last years of the administration and despite his still impressive electoral presence in the Ionian area of ​​Messina, De Luca suffers a heavy downsizing from his own electorate, probably tired of methods and tones that contribute to distancing citizens from voting. Faced with a city threatened by the shadow of the construction of the Bridge, exhausted by public water rationing, the answer can only be a sober, serious and attentive, capable of giving concrete answers to the population. This is the role that the Democratic Party has today.”

Even with the polls closed Armando Hyerace (PD provincial coordination) had made some reflections on the outcome of the European elections.

The the result achieved in Messina is highly positive and encouraging for the future. TOEven in Messina, therefore, the Democratic Party can it must become the pivot to build a possible alternative to the right, but also to Cateno De Luca’s movement. De Luca is now a marginal and purely local phenomenon, dubbed in Sicily by M5S and PD, and fifth political force on the island. I point this out only because, a few days ago, it was De Luca himself who declared that if he had arrived behind PD and M5S he would have put himself aside and returned to Fiumedinisi: we all, therefore, hope that he is a man of his word. in any case, his movement is the first party in the province and in the city, albeit the result that De Luca expected in Messina is far from the 60,000 votes expected (HERE) However, for the vast majority it is a result determined by a structured and well-organised vote: I remember that it was he himself, a month ago, who “solicited” the commitment of the councilors and members of the boards of directors of the subsidiaries in the search for consensus, demanding even a blank resignation and the threat of “heads being cut off” if they did not commit themselves properly. In the coming weeks, therefore, we must be even more decisive and motivated in continuing this growth path in the territories, to return to being a rooted, credible and coherent point of reference for the community”.

The one to reply provincial coordinator of the South calls Melangela Scolaro North that you define the analysis of the Timbro vote as illogical and not valid account neither of the objective numerical data nor in the totally different nature of the two electoral competitions, i.e. the regional one and the European one (ed. In reality it was De Luca himself, during the electoral campaign, who took the 2022 data as a point of reference).

The objective and numerical data, in fact, tell us that Cateno De Luca’s list, despite the total blackout in the media, the nagging media bombardment exclusively concentrated on Meloni, Tajani, Salvini, Schlein, Conte, Renzi and Calenda is the first party in the Province of Messina with 21.71% of the votes, while the PD is the fourth party in the Province, with 12.16%. Despite the indisputable advantage deriving from the media coverage that the PD enjoyed, unlike the Libertà list, this was not sufficient to bridge the clear gap from De Luca nor to demonstrate a significant approval rating of the Province towards the PD. The Pd should rather reflect on the data from the province of Messina, where it evidently has representatives who have lowered the voters’ share. We also want to underline another fact. Cateno De Luca beat Elly Schlein in Sicily, also in terms of approval, he is certainly the leader who received more votes than all the others in relation to the list votes obtained. The data is particularly solid also because citizens everywhere and with wide margins have promoted South Call North brand administrations. In Messina, for example, Cateno De Luca’s list is the most voted with 29.10% compared to 13.76% for the Democratic Party. And being promoted, absolutely, without misunderstandings, with a large margin of difference compared to parties with national projection (and protection) by one’s fellow citizens, right there where one puts oneself to the test by administering, is certainly the greatest satisfaction for Cateno De Luca and his team of Mayors and administrators”.

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