Calabria: Centre-left between suffering and surprise

Pd and M5S in difficulty, but the Left is growing. a divided moderate area and a granitic centre-right majority.

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The European elections in Calabria have delivered a complex and constantly evolving picture for the centre-left. Pd and Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S) face a difficult present and an uncertain future, while the left, represented by Alleanza Verdi Sinistra (Avs), marks significant growth. However, a centre-right majority, although fractious, remains firmly in control.

The Calabrian center-left is still unable to form a united front. The electoral dynamics show that the political forces involved present uneven results: some forces do well, others maintain their positions, while still others suffer heavy defeats. The moderate area, which could theoretically look towards the centre-left, instead tends to orient itself towards the centre-right.

Two important innovations emerge from the elections: the return of the Calabrian left with the election of Mimmo Lucano, and the exceeding of the 4% threshold by Action and the United States of Europe (a federation between Italia Viva, +Europa and the PSI ) in Calabria, a result not replicated at national level. However, these two realities seem destined not to collaborate closely, since a significant part of the moderate area looks with interest to the governor Roberto Occhiuto.

Although Avs has had an exploit, thanks also to the symbolic candidacy of Lucano, Pd and M5S have no reason to be optimistic. The Democratic Party, although it has improved its results compared to the general elections, remains the fourth party at the regional level. The M5S, despite obtaining the election of Pasquale Tridico to the European Parliament, lost 13 percentage points compared to the policies, still positioning itself as the leading centre-left party.

At the municipal level, Pd and M5S are among the least voted lists in Corigliano Rossano, highlighting further difficulties compared to the success of the re-elected mayor Flavio Stasi, who together with Lucano represents a new rebirth of the left in Calabria. However, the trajectories of the Pd and M5S remain uncertain, with internal tensions that could lead to further changes.

In this context, the so-called “mayors’ party” – with figures such as Nicola Fiorita in Catanzaro, Franz Caruso in Cosenza and Giuseppe Falcomatà in Reggio – is looking to the 2026 regional elections. However, even for these mayors the European elections were not a success net, with Falcomatà facing further difficulties due to an anti-mafia investigation.

In summary, the Calabrian center-left finds itself in a fluid and uncertain situation, similar to the national one, but with particular regional complexities. Synchronization with the moderate areas, which appears more advanced in Rome, still remains distant in Calabria, while the moderate area awaits signals from governor Occhiuto.

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