Avvenire di Calabria on newsstands June 16th, here are the themes

Avvenire di Calabria on newsstands June 16th, here are the themes
Avvenire di Calabria on newsstands June 16th, here are the themes

Tomorrow, Sunday 16 June, with the newspaper Futurethe appointment is back on newsstands with Future of Calabria. Many themes will be explored in depth in the next issue of the diocesan weekly of the Church of Reggio Calabria – Bova.

Tomorrow, June 16th, you can find us on newsstands: Calabria, Europe

The opening of the number of Future of Calabriaon newsstands tomorrow 16 June with the newspaper Future, is dedicated to the analysis of the vote for the European elections. In particular, we interviewed the new Forza Italia MEP, Giusi Princiwho tells us about his first time and the first time of Reggio Calabria in Strasbourg.

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There is also space for the declarations of Mimmo Lucanowhich celebrated a double result that also brings it back to the forefront of local politics, linked to its hospitality model.

The theme: welcome and inclusion. Towards Refugee Day

Among the topics that will be explored in depth in tomorrow’s issue of Avvenire di Calabria, Sunday 16 June, on newsstands with our newspaper, there is also that related to hospitality. The starting point is there World Refugee Day which is celebrated on June 20th.

We talk about it with Mariangela Ambrogiodirector of the diocesan Caritas of Reggio Calabria – Bova, e Giovanni Fortunato of Casa Annunziata.

There is also space for previews of the important conference on the themes of reception and integration, which will be held in Reggio Calabria on June 19th. Organized by the Association of former regional councillors, it will feature the cardinal among the speakers Bassettiformer president of Cei.

The first dossier: desertification, this is how it is tackled in Calabria

There World Day to Fight Desertification and Drought (June 17) offers a further starting point to address a hotly debated topic also in Calabria. We will discover not only how local authorities and actors are trying to deal with desertification and climate change. In fact, we will also tell you about some important studies conducted at theMediterranean University of Reggio Calabria by the team of experts coordinated by the geneticist, professor Francesco Sunseri.

The other dossier: science and faith, the commitment of Angela Misiano, “soul” of the Pythagoras Planetarium

The teacher Angela Misiano“soul” of Pythagoras Planetariumamong the jewels in the crown of the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria, will tell us not only about the important role played by this precious place of study and research, but also about the relationship between science and faith and the spirituality linked to the world of astronomy, often expressed in the activities conducted at the Planetarium.

From the exploration of the universe to that of another still largely unknown universe, such as the brain, it is a short step. He talks about it on the same page Luca Moriciamong the best-known illustrators on the contemporary artistic scene, who will accompany us into the world of comics.

Ecclesial life: the “southernism” of Monsignor Lanza

The problems of the South of yesterday and today, reread through the famous pastoral letter of the Monsignor Lanza, written in 1948 and shared at the time by all the bishops of Southern Italy, is one of the main themes that will be addressed in the pages of Ecclesial Life. There is also space for the start of the new year’s activities Civil Service in Caritas with the testimonies of the young volunteer operators who have recently concluded, a Cetrarothe induction course: Daniele, Davide, Desirè and Sasha.

TO KNOW MORE: Universal civil service in Caritas, another year concluded: “a journey of service and growth”

We will also talk about an important anniversary linked to the figure of a priest who did so much not only for the Church, but for the entire community of Reggio Calabria: don Italo Calabrò. The boys of Volta High School in Reggio Calabria they will tell us about the experience of PCT concluded at the Diocesan Historical Archive of Reggio Calabria – Bova and which also affected other diocesan cultural bodies.

The message of the young people of the diocese of Oppido-Palmithe pilgrimage of diabetic children a Lourdesthe vocational journey of Don Lorenzo Tortorellabut also the handover between the old and new president of Club Serra of Reggio Calabriaare the other topics of ecclesial life that we will explore in depth.

The communities on the page: the rediscovered “center” of Sambatello

For the pages dedicated to community life, a special is dedicated to the renovated parish complex of Sambatello, in Reggio Calabria. Recently renovated thanks to the signing of the 8×1000 to the Catholic Church, it is preparing to once again become the beating heart not only of the parish but of the entire community of the hilly hamlet of Reggio Calabria.

To complete the pages dedicated to the life of individual ecclesial realities, the initiative supported by the parish of Carmine Arches which acted as a bridge for a solidarity “mission” abroad, but also the double anniversary experienced in recent days at the Sanctuary of Sant ‘Antonioin Reggio, on the occasion of the celebrations for the solemnity of the Saint.

The other current topics: school, eco-anxiety and generations compared

For other current issues, we will talk about Final examswith Guido Leone. But also of generational comparison with Giorgio Bellieni which tells us about an initiative involving some diocesan offices in Reggio and various diocesan associations and beyond.

Culture, books and “Aula G”

Finally, a large section of the newspaper is dedicated to archive stories on the places of worship of the diocese of Reggio by the historian and architect Renato Laganà. Furthermore, the column “the book” edited by the journalist, writer and essayist Mimmo Nunnari.

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Gaia and Rebecca Of “Room G“, finally, they will tell us about their experience, recently concluded, as “Chief Editors” of the column born from the collaboration of theFMA Institute of Reggio Calabria. A greeting that is not meant to be a farewell, but a goodbye.

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