everything is played between Monday and Tuesday

ANCONA 8 July. Never to be forgotten. The time limit within which Ancona’s request (which we will soon find out) for supernumerary membership in Serie D must be delivered to the National Amateur League. An arduous mission, a sporting and political undertaking which the Doric municipality on behalf of the fans and the city. It’s a good starting point. Three key points to pursue: the meeting with the legal representatives of president Tony Tiong, the search for new ownership, the development of some contacts at an institutional level that can plead the red and white cause.

The summit with Tiong

The first piece is fundamental. Everything else, in fact, has been frozen until mayor Daniele Silvetti and the current owner of Us Ancona meet eye to eye. Physically the Malaysian will not be present at the summit – on Monday or Tuesday in Bologna in a place to be defined – and will be represented by his lawyer Stefano Giangrande.

CEO Roberta Nocelli is also expected at the meeting. Silvetti, in addition to the official balance sheet of the club (roughly – due to informal arrangements made by the mayor – between debts of 2 million and credits in the League, Ancona would have a total debt of just under 1 million), demands the mandate to sell for the 95% of the shares held by Tiong. It is not yet clear whether the enigmatic owner wants to resolve the issues himself, as communicated to some players, or step aside leaving the task to whoever takes over. Canil’s 5% would not be a problem given that it was already discussed in the previous meeting in Jesi with the minority shareholder. Everything must take place – as per the warning to comply sent by Palazzo del Popolo – by June 18th (Tuesday) after which «From the 18th onwards this Us Ancona no longer exists for us» the municipal administration says.

Plan B

Translated: if Tiong were to disappear into thin air again, and he has given ample proof of this in recent months, the Municipality would have no choice. It should rely on a new freshman built from scratch through art. 52 Noif and attempt the request in D. The road, in this sense, would be much more complicated since it will not be possible to rely in terms of scores on affiliation, on credits and above all on the thriving youth sector which would risk being squandered.

The new ownership

For the incoming property everything will be decided between Monday and Tuesday. Coincidentally, the same days as the Silvetti-Tiong meeting (assuming it takes place). The puzzle is complete, only the names kept top secret in this transitional phase are missing. The backbone will be made up of a group from outside the region with interests in the Marche and in the capital. The hook, which could materialize at the beginning of next week, would have been favored by the centre-right sector. In support there would be two local entrepreneurs linked to the sphere of the port ready, if necessary, to take on the role of first actors if it were deemed necessary.

The last game is on federal contacts. Dialogues with the number one of the NLD Giancarlo Abete and with the sports minister Andrea Abodi are frequent. From this point of view there would be the utmost sensitivity in not wanting to disperse the city’s sporting heritage. It won’t be easy, but there is a way forward. An (almost) impossible mission but perhaps, for once, fate could smile on the armed Knight. We’ll know soon.


Read the full article at
Adriatic Courier

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