Meduna Beach, the other side of the shore between drug dealing and prostitution. The Prefect intervenes and reinstates the extraordinary controls

Meduna Beach, the other side of the shore between drug dealing and prostitution. The Prefect intervenes and reinstates the extraordinary controls
Meduna Beach, the other side of the shore between drug dealing and prostitution. The Prefect intervenes and reinstates the extraordinary controls

A sort of holy alliance so that on what has now become Meduna Beach for everyone, we can go back to spending quiet days with the family, without ear-splitting music and above all without other types of activities that are not very legal. And so yesterday the prefect, Natalino Domenico Manno put all his strength into play which from today will begin a sort of “site cleanup” to bring it back to what it once was, that is, a quiet area where you can sunbathe and cool off in the waters of the Meduna. Prefecture, Police Headquarters, local police, Carabinieri command, Financial Police, and Forestry agents will be the guardians of order and together with the mayors of Cordenons and Zoppola they will work on ordinances, controls and closer monitoring to prevent demonstrations problems again as has happened in the last few months.


Not by chance in Meduna Beach, traces of legality had been somewhat lost and to pay the price, in addition to the residents who live near the area, also and above all the normal families who go there on Saturdays and Sundays to spend a few hours together. The area, in fact, had become problematic to manage. Loud music complete with festival amplifiers and power generatorsthere were those who also arrived on motocross bikes, noise, rubbish everywhere. But this is only one side of the ugly coin on the banks of the Meduna. The other, however, was linked to phenomena reported several times drug dealing and prostitutionmainly linked to foreigners who arrived en masse, occupied large spaces on the site, played very loud music and acted as bosses, also intimidating other people who perhaps just wanted to remain quiet.


Yesterday the prefect explained the type of interventions that will take place immediately and which largely reflect those implemented last year, with some additions. Meanwhile the mayors of ZoppolaAntonello Tius and of CordenonsAndrea Delle Vedove each for the territories of competence, they will sign an order that provides for the immediate seizure of loudspeakers, amplifiers and power generators which will be brought to the Meduna riverbed. There is no desire to target families and groups of people who listen to music, because radios can be brought, but they must be used at the appropriate volume so as not to disturb others. Everything else will be seized not only to avoid the noise of loud music, but also to prevent raves or other demonstrations from taking place which could then lead to illegal events.


It is perhaps the most significant item of the interventions that will be put on the ground after the Committee for Order and Security which was held yesterday in the Prefecture. All law enforcement agencies will coordinate in order to arrange a series of targeted and long-lasting checks and inspections, plus in the event of reports, there will always be a patrol that will go to the scene. It’s not all. Drones will be used to monitor the area and have an overview from above as the area is decidedly vast, so as to always know where to strike. In addition there will be motorcycle officers from the municipal police of Pordenone and Cordenons and already this season, outings with Local agents on horseback will also be considered, an animal with which it will be easier to reach certain areas, even the most difficult and perhaps hidden ones. Obviously, patrols from the Carabinieri, the police and the Guardia di Finanza will operate in turn, each according to their own skills in order to prevent the situation from getting out of hand once again.

Free beaches, the “Meduna beach” will not be “militarized”: the oasis of the Pordenone residents returns to normality


A decisive part will be entrusted to the Forestry agents who will work on several areas, but in particular on the abandonment of waste in protected areas. In fact, after a Sunday spent on Meduna Beach, on Monday you happen to see an expanse of rubbish scattered along kilometers of embankment. Forestry officials, among other things, will try to ensure that this does not happen. Another aspect that will be entrusted to the police is also that of checking parked cars where theft and vandalism often occur. «The objective – concluded prefect Natalino Domenico Manno – is to use that natural area for its sole purpose which is to spend a few hours relaxing with families and friends. All other activities, especially illegal ones, will be affected without hesitation.” The mayors of Cordenons and Zoppola were also relieved as they had already tried several times to put a stop to the chaos coming from the area. In fact, numerous reports had arrived in the two municipalities, but also to the police, Carabinieri and prefecture.


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The Gazzettino

A sort of holy alliance so that on what has now become Meduna Beach for everyone, we can return to spending quiet days with the family, without music that shatters the eardrums and…

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