Cremona weather, the forecast for tomorrow Sunday 16 June

The weather forecast in Cremona for Sunday 16 June show generally stable conditions during the day, with a slight increase in cloud cover in the afternoon and the possibility of light rain towards the evening.

During the morningthere will be scattered clouds with cloud cover that will vary between 69% and the81%. Temperatures will remain around +17.8°C And +22.7°C, with a similar thermal perception. The wind will blow mainly from the West – North West at a speed between 2.3km/h And 4.9km/h.

In the afternoonweather conditions will see a partial thinning of clouds, with cloud cover dropping to 13%. Temperatures will remain rather stable, with values ​​around +24°C. The wind will be predominantly from the North – North East at a speed between 2.9km/h And 4.7km/h.

Towards the eveningis expected to appear light rainwith cloud cover around11%. Temperatures will remain around +17.2°C And +23.9°C, with a slightly higher thermal perception. The wind will change direction, coming from North – North East at a speed between 4km/h And 5.5km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Sunday 16 June in Cremona indicates a day with scattered clouds in the morning, an increase in cloud cover in the afternoon and possible light rain towards the evening. Temperatures will remain at spring values, with winds of moderate intensity. It is advisable to pay attention to changes in the weather throughout the day and be prepared for possible precipitation in the late afternoon.

All the weather data for Sunday 16 June in Cremona

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