Trani weather, the forecast for tomorrow Sunday 16 June

Sunday 16 June in Trani are expected variable weather conditions with overcast skies for most of the day. Temperatures will remain fairly stable throughout the day, with values ​​fluctuating between 22.6°C hey 28.2°C. The perception of the temperature will be similar to the actual one, with minimal differences.

During the morningskies will be partly cloudy with cloud cover varying between 56% and the 99%. Temperatures will be around 24.5°C at 07:00and then rise slightly until reaching i 26.8°C about 9:00 am. The wind speed will be moderate, with light gusts coming mainly from the East – North East.

In the afternoonthe sky will become completely overcast, with cloud cover of 100%. Maximum temperatures will be reached around 28.2°C about 4:00 pm. The wind will blow from the East – South East with a speed of up to 21.5km/h.

In eveningthe sky will remain overcast with cloud cover remaining around the 98-100%. Temperatures will drop slightly, settling around 24.1-26.6°C. The wind will still come from the West – South West with gusts that can reach 22km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Sunday 16 June in Trani indicates a day with overcast skies and pleasant temperatures. Conditions will remain stable over the next few days, with cloudy skies and temperatures that will remain at similar values. Stay updated for any changes in the weather forecast in Trani.

All the weather data for Sunday 16 June in Trani

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