Nursing Up Trento, Cesare Hoffer: «Public healthcare in Trentino is increasingly in trouble»

Nursing Up Trento, Cesare Hoffer: «Public healthcare in Trentino is increasingly in trouble»
Nursing Up Trento, Cesare Hoffer: «Public healthcare in Trentino is increasingly in trouble»

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In a note signed by Cesare Hoffer of Nursing up Trento, the critical situation regarding public health in Trentino.

“Public health in Trentino is increasingly in trouble, i public competitions are semi-desertedthere is a shortage of nurses, midwives, healthcare assistants, laboratory and radiology technicians, How can services be guaranteed in the future?

The PNRR allocates funds for building renovations and technological innovations, with the new health homes and community hospitals at the center of attention, but then, if we do not enhance human capital, there will be a lack of professionals who will go to work there!


The role of our professions in care is of fundamental importance, with particular reference to territorial activities and the family nurse. In the regions where it has been inserted, a reduction in hospitalizations of 10% has been demonstrated, in the number of white codes in the emergency room of 20%, as well as greater acceptance and appreciation from citizens. In Trentino this figure is dramatically missing due to a lack of personnel and working conditions are constantly worsening, Furthermore, there is no political and corporate project to improve work-life balance.

The solution certainly cannot be to look for nurses abroad, which has already been tried without success in the past, instead, we try to retain our own by improving economic and working conditions.

Here it is it becomes a priority to act on ongoing contractual renewal and have a plan for future ones, as healthcare professionals we are in the last places in Europe for economic salaries and the flight of our colleagues, trained by us at high costs, is continuous and unstoppable.

For our professionalism and for the great sacrifice and dedication that we demonstrate every day we deserve respect, we truly are angry and disappointed by the inadequate institutional attention, revealed once again by our failure to involve Fugatti in the meeting on Tuesday 11 June, in which the project for the 2025/27 contractual renewal was illustrated to the unions. Now for us posthumous and late invitations have no value.

But then what are we talking about? The resources to close the 2022/24 CCPL with dignity and finance the revision of the professional system still need to be identified and allocated in the ongoing budget adjustment, politics must honor the commitments made with our union in the various memoranda of understanding signed even recently or should we think that the agreements made are waste paper?

Furthermore, given the repeated attacks in the workplace that have recently involved our colleagues in the healthcare company, we have repeatedly asked for a meeting with the general director Ferro, who in As an employer, he must protect the safety and psycho-physical well-being of his employees.

Unlike the attention and sensitivity recently reserved for us on this topic by the Health Councilor Tonina, we have not yet had the “grace” of being able to meet Dr. Ferro, to whom we sent numerous notes, which did not receive a response.”

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