Bologna, his bike with which he helped his disabled parents is stolen. The police buy it back from him

Bologna, his bike with which he helped his disabled parents is stolen. The police buy it back from him
Bologna, his bike with which he helped his disabled parents is stolen. The police buy it back from him

It is now well known that Bologna is a pedal-proof city. Among the famous arcades there bicycle it is the preferred means of transport for the majority of those who live in the centre, either for reasons of convenience in traveling – goodbye traffic problems and lack of parking – or for particular attention to environmental impact.

Then there are also those who, like Anouar, 13 years old protagonist of the story we are going to tell, chooses the bike for help his parents, both suffering from serious disabilities. The teenager’s family had purchased it, not without financial sacrifices, to allow him to carry out simple errands that his mother and father would otherwise have no way of completing, and go shopping.

On Tuesday morning, however, while the boy was in a supermarket in the Barca area of ​​Bologna, two thieves stole it from him. But within a few days Anouar was back in the saddle: i policemen of the Santa Viola police station, the one of reference for the theft suffered, have in fact decided to buy him a new bike. As the Bolognese Police Headquarters themselves say, after the theft the thirteen-year-old immediately notified the police that he had started searches in the area, unfortunately with negative results. The next day the officers then went to his house to collect the complaintgiven that the parents’ health conditions did not allow them to go to the police station and Anouar is still a minor.

By analyzing the video surveillance images of the supermarket, it was then ascertained that it was two other young people who stole the bike, also clearly under the age of 18, who despite the searches However, they were not traced. The policemen therefore decided to help him by doing a collection to raise the money necessary to buy a new bicycle to donate to the young man and in a few days, with the help of the Malini Cicli shop in Casalecchio di Reno, they managed to purchase it.

A real surprise for the thirteen-year-old, who this morning was invited to the police station with the excuse of providing some more information for the investigations: to welcome him, however, brand new, was the bike and all the police personnel, who applauded this boy as an example of dedication and love for his family.

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