Trani – Nurse on duty brutally attacked in prison: that’s who he is

With deep regret and concern, theOrder of Nurses of the province of Barletta Andria Trani denounces the serious episode of violence that occurred at the prison in Trani, where the nurse Rocco Corrado was brutally attacked by an inmate during his tour of duty. The nurse reported significant injuries which require several days of prognosis.

The president of the Order, Dr. Papagni Giuseppe, expresses the strongest condemnation for this cowardly gesture, underlining that violence against healthcare workers is absolutely unacceptable. “Nurses dedicate their lives to the care and well-being of people, often working in difficult and stressful conditions. It is unacceptable that those who work for the health of the community should fear for their own safety”, declared Dr. Papagni.

The Order of Nurses of the province of Barletta Andria Trani strongly calls for the adoption of immediate and concrete measures to guarantee greater safety for healthcare workers within penitentiary facilities. It is essential that the competent authorities take measures to prevent further episodes of violence and to protect those who work on the front line every day to offer assistance and care to prisoners.

“We will work in close collaboration with the institutions to ensure that incidents of this kind do not happen again and that all necessary measures are put in place to protect our professionals,” added Dr. Papagni.

The Order of Nurses of the province of Barletta Andria Trani expresses its solidarity and closeness to nurse Rocco Corrado, wishing him a speedy recovery and reiterates its commitment to supporting the rights and safety of all nurses.

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