You can’t always forgive (Sicily)

You can’t always forgive

Not all days are the same and thank goodness because on certain days there is someone who manages to turn your soul inside out and it hurts you so much that for a while you have to be alone, think, understand and forgive even if they don’t deserve forgiveness.
Then disappointment also sets in and burns hotter than fire and as long as it’s a person who doesn’t know you you can pretend not to accept either the insult or the offense and therefore you have to work on yourself and look for a way to reassure the your heart beaten and offended.
We also always need the desire to forgive and it must be done from the heart; I don’t hold a grudge, but I give a clean break to Friendship if I feel mistreated and offended after sharing confidences, then I try to lick my wounds without showing it. It often happens to me that I have to do this, I am a person who gives and pays attention, but woe betide me if I feel jealousy, malice or unmotivated envy, I freak out, in an instant I am at war with the whole world, but then once the storm has passed I manage to get down to milder advice and the simplest thing is to ignore, because arguing with stupid people always loses out. I don’t think they don’t understand how much harm they can do, but they are so selfish that they express it with malice without understanding that in that moment they scrape the Soul that bleeds and they don’t have the sensitivity to analyze what they do, for them it’s an outburst and according to them I …What should I do ?
Let it go, say I made a mistake without having done it, apologize for no reason or indulge them in their diabolical feeling which is almost always dictated by an unmotivated and evil jealousy?
Well, I don’t do any of these things because in my life I have already apologized and apologized even when I shouldn’t have and now…
Well… that’s enough, that’s enough and that’s enough.
I am a human being and not the garbage bin where they can throw their inconsistencies and make me pay for them.
There is a limit to everything and I can’t feel bad for others.
Staying for whole days brooding with your heart bursting and the storm inside like an unexpected storm where you don’t know where you can take refuge to find some relief from the sorrow.
If you too have found yourself in the same predicament, know that you need to push away those who treat you as an option, without a shred of respect because at that point your dignity is at stake and I can only put up with my children and not anyone, even if it’s a Friend and at that moment I stop being a Friend because you forgive once, twice, but if it becomes a habit you have to clean it up and intervene with a nice shear and make a clean cut.
They are the energy vampires who also suck the desire to live and the sooner you push them away the better it will be for you.©
Desire Kariny

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