100 years after the crime, a meeting at the Foundation to remember Giacomo Matteotti

100 years after the crime, a meeting at the Foundation to remember Giacomo Matteotti
100 years after the crime, a meeting at the Foundation to remember Giacomo Matteotti

Partisan associations Anpi And Anpcwith CittàcomuneCGIL, CISL and UIL, the Provincial Council of Piacenza and various council groups of the Municipality of Piacenza (Civica Barbieri-Trespidi, Liberali Piacenza, Alternative for Piacenza, Democratic Party, Piacenza Coraggiosa, Piacenza Oltre, Per Piacenza-Tarasconi) organize an assembly to remind Giacomo Matteotti, one hundred years after his assassination at the hands of the fascists on 10 June 1924. The initiative will take place on Friday 14 June at 5pm in the Auditorium of the Piacenza and Vigevano Foundation, in via Sant’Eufemia in Piacenza. “We propose to the entire Piacenza community to remember, in this centenary, the figure of Matteotti – say the organizers – his martyrdom for freedom, his teaching and his legacy, with a common initiative of those elected in public institutions – exponents of pluralism political of our democracy -, of the main organizations in the world of work and of the associative fabric of the city”. The memory of Matteotti, during the meeting, will be entrusted to various speakers: Gianni D’Amo, Patrizia Calza, Mario Spezia, Andrea Fossati, Massimo Trespidi, Stefano Cugini, Francesco Bighi, Romano Repetti will take the floor. To participate you must book by sending an email to the address [email protected].

June 10 marks the centenary of the assassination of the socialist deputy Giacomo Matteotti. In all his political activity, as a councilor in the Municipalities of Polesine, provincial councilor of Rovigo and member of the Chamber of Deputies, he had tried to affirm the essential function of the elective assemblies – as and if the free expression of citizens – for social progress in the freedom and for the emancipation in freedom of the working masses. On 30 May 1924 Matteotti had given a vigorous speech in the Chamber denouncing the way in which Mussolini and the fascists, through the distortion of the electoral law and with new violence and intimidation, in the elections of 6 April of that year had secured a majority of over two thirds of parliamentarians. But for the fascists, who had already driven out the freely elected administrators of the Provinces and Municipalities with violence to the point of murder, and therefore with terror, and destroyed the free organizations of the world of work, it was not enough to have also secured the dominion of the Chamber of deputies. They couldn’t even accept a critical voice. So on the morning of June 10th Matteotti was caught while leaving his house to go to Parliament, forced into a car and immediately stabbed to death. The assassination produced a wave of indignation in Italy at the time, but it also indicated what the fate of opponents of fascism would be. Mussolini thus had no difficulty in passing the liberticidal laws which also consolidated the fascist dictatorship on a regulatory level by prohibiting and harshly repressing any form of opposition. (The organizers)

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