Lucca Weather Forecast: the bulletin for tomorrow Saturday 15 June

Saturday 15 June in Lucca a day with weather conditions variables. In the morning the sky will be clear with a light cloud cover, while in the afternoon and evening the increase in clouds will lead to overcast skies. Temperatures will remain quite mild, oscillating between +14°C and +25°C. Humidity will be quite high, varying between 51% and 95%, while atmospheric pressure will remain stable around 1013hPa.

In detail, in the morning the sky will be clear with a light cloud cover and temperatures will be around +18°C. In the afternoon and evening, we expect an increase in clouds with overcast skies and temperatures that will reach +25°C in the early afternoon and then slowly drop to +15°C in the evening.

Throughout the day, wind speed will generally be moderate, with intensity between 2.2km/h and 17.8km/h, coming mainly from a South West direction. There will be no gusts of wind, while no significant precipitation is expected.

In light of the current situation, we can say that Saturday 15 June in Lucca expects a day with variable weather conditions, characterized by a sky that will go from clear to overcast during the day. Temperatures will remain quite mild, varying between +14°C and +25°C. Humidity will be quite high, oscillating between 51% and 95%, while atmospheric pressure will remain stable around 1013hPa. It will be important to pay attention to changes in the skies and temperatures throughout the day, but overall no extreme weather conditions are expected.

All the weather data for Saturday 15 June in Lucca

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