It will be a hot autumn for construction sites. Green light for strategic projects

It will be a hot autumn for construction sites. Green light for strategic projects
It will be a hot autumn for construction sites. Green light for strategic projects

Full speed ahead. Green light from the Antonelli council for three strategic projects, total value of the works 30 million euros, the redevelopment of the former civic slaughterhouse, in the Fili Urbani plan the intervention on the former police headquarters in the market area and the connection of the district heating network at the Neutalia waste-to-energy plant in Borsano. Significant steps to continue the process which concerns the implementation of some interventions on which the municipal administration led by mayor Emanuele Antonelli has focused, important for the future of the city.

The council took note of the definitive project called “Development of the district heating systems of Busto Arsizio and Legnano/Castellanza with connection to the Neutalia waste-to-energy plant” approved by the Board of Directors of the company Amga Legnano Spa as leader of the joint venture (temporary business association )Amga-Agesp-Neutalia. The total cost of the work is equal to 20,071,477.64 euros, of which 15,606,547 euros financed by Mase (Ministry of the Environment). The intervention, underlines Palazzo Gilardoni in a note, “does not entail burdens on the municipal budget given that the related financing was granted to the ATI and that the amounts not included in the financing will be borne by the companies”.

In the same session the other day, the final-executive project was also approved for the implementation of the intervention for the recovery of the building heritage and energy efficiency of the “Pre-Boost – Ex-dispensary” building (former local police headquarters), in within the Filiurbani – Busto Breathe Generations project, for a total expenditure of 1,420,042.46 euros. It is the first act within the large redevelopment plan of the market area which will be subjected to a complete restyling, financed by the Lombardy Region with 15 million euros, starting in September, with work on the former building dispensary. Finally, the green light is given to the definitive/executive project of the refunctionalization of the properties included in the area of ​​the former slaughterhouse, whose economic expenditure framework amounts to 9,200,000.00 euros, partly financed with Pnrr funds. It will undoubtedly be a “hot autumn” for the construction sites that will be started in the city, while the other day work resumed on the former ice rink in the Beata Giuliana district, to build the new Palaginnastica. It’s the right time.

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