Puc, stadium, third toll booth and public housing: Nicola Giordano designs the new Avellino and calls private individuals

Puc, stadium, third toll booth and public housing: Nicola Giordano designs the new Avellino and calls private individuals
Puc, stadium, third toll booth and public housing: Nicola Giordano designs the new Avellino and calls private individuals

«I believe it is necessary, useful and dutiful, in these few days that separate us from the ballot, to try to deepen the idea of ​​the city that we have in our heads using the language of concreteness. Because this is what citizens really care about. And it is the urban planning vision that gives us the cornerstones of the vision on which we ask the people of Avellino for the necessary consensus to govern Avellino over the next five years.” Talking is Nicola Giordanoreference of the city’s Democratic Party just re-elected with more than six hundred votes in the municipal assembly.

So let’s try Giordano. On the municipal urban plan Antonio Gengaro, candidate for the tricolor band of the center-left, said that it will be necessary to intervene, given that the law requires it. And he added that the urban plan needs to be recalibrated, given that at the time we worked on a growing city and today, however, we live in a city that is losing inhabitants, which has an enormous unused building stock and levels of quality of life between the lowest in Italy

“Yes, it is. The municipal urban plan did not expire today, it should have already been adapted by the outgoing administration which however did nothing. And not out of distraction but because their idea was to speculate on what already existed, to proceed with spot interventions, patchy, which modified the provisions of the plan but without any overall idea of ​​development for the city. We will approve a new Puc and the key words on which we will act will be two: transparency and sharing”

Please explain

«It must be clear to everyone, from the beginning, what the perspective is, what the next administration intends to do. But what we have to do can only be achieved with the sharing and protagonism of the entire city, not just the stakeholders. You rightly referred to the enormous unused building stock, but much of that stock, which is old and has serious seismic safety problems, must necessarily be replaced. We will do it and anyone who is interested in following this path will have in the municipal administration led by Antonio Gengaro a reliable, serious interlocutor, in obvious but not obvious respect for the rules, which will be functional to the interests of all and not just a few. After that, regeneration represents a fundamental asset but not the only asset on which we will focus. There is also the need to put the city in a position to grow harmoniously, we cannot imagine that Avellino can look to the future by closing itself off. And in this the role of the private sector will be fundamental”

Here we come to the real point

«We start from the assumption that the current urban plan had provisions that were not implemented and based on these forecasts, think of the North park road and the South park road, as well as the towers along the motorway, many citizens were exclusively harassed because they paid the charges as building land but those forecasts were unworkable. There we must intervene because certain works must necessarily be borne by the administration. If we believe that a northern road system is necessary then it is up to the Municipality to implement it. The private sector will then always carry out its interventions in accordance with the principle of sustainability, because our obsession must be to give citizens back a quality of life worthy of the capital of green Irpinia. And then there is a problem that concerns small businesses, small operators in the sector who have suffered enormously because the investments required by the plan, due to the urban planning documents conceived at the time, required large investments that were out of reach for the vast majority of the population. induced. And this is a fundamental point because we are talking about artisan realities, which make very high quality but light construction, the construction that best fits with the landscape, with the spaces, with the greenery”

The Cagnardi Plan envisaged the third toll booth. Do you think it’s necessary?

«That was an intelligent prediction that must necessarily be taken back. We are talking about the northern area, where the bi-weekly market now resides which we will bring back to the stadium square. Well, the third toll booth needs to be done and if it is true that it will be up to the municipal administration to carry out the work in collaboration with Società Autostrade, it is quite clear that a third toll booth requires complementary works and would give new and strategic functions to that area of ​​the city ».

There has been a lot of talk about the new stadium in recent years

«Yes, but it was talked about in vain, to make propaganda, without even taking into consideration the actual feasibility of that work in relation to the context in which it should be carried out. We will build the new stadium and we will do it with the private sector, in synergy and full harmony with US Avellino, we will do it in full respect of the interests of the private sector but in a framework that is primarily functional to the interests of the community. And to do this it is necessary to intervene on mobility, it is necessary to imagine the parking spaces necessary to manage flows, it is necessary to intervene without causing inefficiencies and problems for residents. And with this in mind, we will create the new stadium by imagining it as the beating heart of a true sports citadel: sports hall, municipal swimming pool, new Partenio Lombardi Stadium”

So in your idea the third toll booth should also serve to free the city from traffic

«Of course, because in the North it would also be used as a city variant allowing you to cross the city from east to west avoiding the center. Bonatti no longer carries out this function but with the third toll booth we would be able to complete the city connection”

Two final questions. Parks and public housing

«The current part of the Puc is that the public part, the city of parks, has not been created. And it was not achieved because the private sector should have first created the building capacity within its competence and then created the public part to hand it over to the community. A virtuous but unfortunately unsustainable mechanism. We must reverse the logic, it is the administration that must take responsibility for creating the public city, in collaboration with the private sector but certainly not by placing all the burdens on the private sector. Economic conditions have completely changed and we must take this into account. So we must try to do what I did with the Fenestrelle park. The Municipality had the land available but activated public financing and was therefore able to build it. Now, it is clear that to create the city of parks the private individual must cede the land to the Municipality but not after having achieved the relevant building capacity, rather by realizing it together with the administration”.

Finally, public housing

«We have a moral obligation to make public buildings safe and we must do it immediately. On this, the European Union tells us that we can build new buildings but we can also buy housing. This is what we must do, with maximum transparency, to speed up the process, to make the rotation sustainable. And we have to do it together with Acer, what was once the public housing institute, because the tenant of the public housing is from Avellino, whether he lives in the municipality’s houses or in other accommodation. This is the only way to give an immediate response and restore dignity to hundreds of families. And on this point the Campania Region will have to do its part.”

One last joke. What do you have to say to the residents of the accommodation in Via Francesco Tedesco who already live in mold and discomfort?

«It would be very simplistic to talk only about the accommodation in via Francesco Tedesco. It is not acceptable for an administration to invest 140 thousand euros for the maintenance of public housing and in the meantime spend over two and a half million euros, net of sponsors, to organize parties and concerts. Which must be done and even better than what we have seen, but they cannot represent the priority agenda of an administration leading a city in which asbestos roofs still exist. When we talk about moral issues, for me we talk about this first and foremost.”

Thank you

“To her”

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