Civitavecchia – Alessandro (We Moderates): “Enough with clockwork justice”

CIVITAVECCHIA – We receive and publish: CDear justicialists, on the matter of my “unpresentability” at the elections, I clarified what I had to say through the immediate responses on electronic channels, reaffirming my presentability but above all my reasons.

The planned strategy of eliminating cross-examination was only partially successful because I was able to at least have my say in the online area. A modest effect was obtained on a paper newspaper in which, by adopting a targeted cunning journalistic timing, only one side of the coin was published, excluding the other. I would like to fill precisely this void because I believe it is my right, after having spent two days dedicated to voting accompanied by a media massacre carried out against me, placed on the front page as if I were some sort of criminal.

Evidently there are those who believe they have the prerogative of obtaining private and sensitive data and the exclusivity of management, with which they can delve into people’s souls. It would have been interesting to integrate the terrible regulatory references and disconcerting articles with which I was presented with a description of the facts that dragged me into this surreal situation. I trust in a clear, correct and detailed way in order to provide readers with concrete elements to judge and not a handful of mud thrown on people’s lives. Good work!

I return to referring to the executioners. Unfortunately for you, you have carried out a political attack on a citizen who is not a politician and has no skeletons in his closet, except this tile that fell from the sky which I am sure, sooner or later, will disappear from my existence. My private and professional life is a pride that has brought me so much satisfaction, the appreciation and affection, regardless of the outcome of the elections, of a sea of ​​people who will not be influenced by this rubbish.

You want to sift through my life, very easy! Just click on my name and surname and from which world the true story of the undersigned on which you have issued your improper sentence will emerge. Maybe some people won’t like me, as can happen, but what I represented and what I am today is part of an indelible documented path that I proudly claim.

Through my curiosity, satisfied by experienced representatives, it emerged that the demolishing article was viewed on online channels by a large number of readers while my reply was viewed by a much larger number. This says a lot about the epilogue which has attributed significant notoriety to a stranger who, for better or worse, will perhaps have the same weight as him. Here, it is precisely with this novelty, with all my energies and the passion that you have fueled in me that in the future I intend to support people who are different from you, who have a sense of loyalty, of correctness and who do not lower themselves, for a handful of consensus, to massacre people.

I conclude with the description of an emblematic episode that involved me during the voting period during which a dear friend, aged 93, told me with a hint of sadness and bitterness: “reading the newspaper I learned that they excluded you so I can’t vote for you anymore”. Here, this is what you have achieved, of which you certainly cannot be proud but which you will have to compare with the truly important basin that you have ignored, i.e. the online one.

Now I have all the cards on the table, your mission has ended: you can no longer attack me unless you decide to verify whether the achievement of my First Communion was the result of a conspiracy.

I don’t expect reactions from the firing squad but if they were to arrive I await them with interest since they could further increase my little local notoriety conferred on me by yourselves and who knows, I could even become more likeable.

After having done my duty to the end, I will return to my simple world by closing this negative parenthesis not in the content which I do not deny, since I have had an exciting constructive experience finding respectable people and new friends, but for the side effects which paradoxically, thanks to you, they have made me even stronger.


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