Public car parks, contributions from the Tuscany Region to the Municipalities

Public car parks, contributions from the Tuscany Region to the Municipalities
Public car parks, contributions from the Tuscany Region to the Municipalities

Create public car parks to decongest urban centres, encourage mobility and make places in Tuscany more usable and enjoyable; it is one of the objectives of the government policies of the Region which has decided to assign contributions to the Municipalities to achieve them.

The Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati council has already given the green light to the resolution strongly supported by President Eugenio Giani which identifies the guidelines for the allocation of resources to the Municipalities. Those interested will have to participate with their projects in the public notice released in March and whose deadline has been extended to October 1st. From there the selection of contribution requests will come out.

The notice for the assignment to the Municipalities of contributions for the construction of public car parks is available on the institutional website of the Tuscany Region, in the “Urban Regeneration” section, under the heading “Parking tender” ( /-/urban-regeneration-public-parkings); an entire page which contains all the information necessary to proceed with the submission of the requests. Furthermore, to facilitate the municipalities during the phase of filling in the applications, it was deemed necessary to create an online form as the only platform that allows the municipalities to forward the applications for participation in the procedure, and also useful to guarantee a faster and more direct communication between the region and municipalities on the procedure of interest.

“The objective – said president Eugenio Giani – is to redevelop urban areas, tourist areas and improve the quality of settlements. I believe that Tuscany will be more modern and at the same time more beautiful, with fewer cars in the urban centres, which however will be easier to reach thanks to the car parks. The Region – continued the president together with councilor Baccelli -, with the law of 5 March 2021 n. 11, has in fact decided to promote the creation of public car parks in order to encourage urban decongestion and the redevelopment of areas characterized by significant settlement density, even of a seasonal nature, at the same time regulating the criteria for the attribution of contributions”.

The financial allocation of the notice, as a regional contribution to be allocated to the Municipalities, amounts to a total of 20 million euros for the years 2025-2044, with an expected spending ceiling for each year of 1 million euros available in the forecast budget 2024/2026 and on subsequent budgets, with a breakdown for each of the years from 2025 to 2044 equal to 1 million per year.

The contributions are paid by the Region to cover only the principal amount of the mortgage repayment installments still to be contracted on the date of entry into force of regional law no. 11/2021, as amended with lrn 48/2023.

The eligible proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the criteria contained in the notice, aimed at encouraging intermodality with the public and soft mobility system, even at a supra-municipal level, the increase in the minimum equipment provided for in the matter, the redevelopment of the relevant building heritage of the new car park, the feasibility of construction and the management sustainability of the intervention.

Furthermore, the provision of spaces for sharing and pink car parks, the use of ecologically compatible solutions and the provision of integrated smart parking systems and information and communication technologies, the creation of urban furnishing works will be rewarded. , the presence in the proposing municipality of approved or adopted planning tools, as well as the implementation of the interventions in municipalities subject to risk of air pollution (pursuant to DGR no. 228/2023) and affected by the meteorological event of 2 November 2023, such as identified by the relevant commissioner orders.

To access the contributions, the Municipalities are required to present the technical and economic feasibility project and the loan contract scheme, to be contracted with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti or another financial institution.

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