When you lose, it’s useful to ask yourself if you did something wrong Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |

When you lose, it’s useful to ask yourself if you did something wrong Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |
When you lose, it’s useful to ask yourself if you did something wrong Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |

REGGIO EMILIA – We will not respond to Giovanni Tarquini’s insults, so evident is the groundlessness of the accusations he makes against us. In the election campaign that
it just ended, Tg Reggio, Telereggio and Reggionline have all placed equal. And if anyone should complain it is certainly not the lawyer Tarquini. On the merits, we limited ourselves to highlighting that, if Massari won with 56% in the first round and if Tarquini was unable to go beyond the votes obtained by Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Forza Italia at the European Championships, perhaps it means that Reggio it’s not how the center-right describes it. Are the Reggio people wrong? Maybe. But when you lose, in politics as in other fields of human activity, it is useful to ask yourself if you did something wrong. Certainly more useful than blaming others and evoking unlikely dictatorships.

The editorial from Tg Reggio which was followed by Tarquini’s reply

Elections: if you get the analysis of reality wrong, you lose the game. VIDEO

The lawyer’s response. Tarquini, candidate of the Tarquini Civic List for Mayor, to the editorial by the director of TG Reggio Gabriele Franzini

“The candidate Massari had the PD organize his entire electoral campaign with a budget an indefinite number of times higher than mine and with working groups that had been well organized for months and months.

The PD had time to implement a strategy of collecting all the possible and imaginable lists around Massari, while my candidacy was able to count on only three months of actual work, during which I also suffered some well-known defections (see the one with Alleanza Civica).

Several people who had expressed interest in joining the list as candidates were in fact forced not to do so to avoid embarrassment in their respective workplaces. One of my candidates received threats for siding with me.

Massari clearly made voting agreements with De Lucia (this is demonstrated by the video published in the days of the vote) and so a good 5-6% of the Civic Coalition went to Massari. This is the only way to explain the low percentage of consensus achieved, after years of excellent work carried out in the area by the list led by candidate Aguzzoli.

The vote in Massari was sponsored directly by Luca Vecchi who as mayor, which was very incorrect and deplorable, invited all citizens not to vote for me (see the video published on social media the day before the vote).

The PD made agreements with Claudio Guidetti, after he had come to me the day before again for agreements that I did not grant him; then Guidetti on the closing night of the PD electoral campaign defined me and those of my coalition from the stage as the “grandchildren of the fascists”. Unworthy expression.

The information, TV and local newspapers, and the advertising spaces were entirely occupied by the PD and the mayoral candidate Massari. Only thanks to the level playing field was I able to say something too. Just reread newspapers and online magazines for proof.

Telereggio has constantly supported the PD, denigrating the centre-right at every opportunity (it is enough to listen to the reports of the director of the TG Franzini to realize this).

Well, tell me if in the face of all this the votes I got are few and if it can be said that the fact of having arrived as a coalition “only” at 33% is really the result, as the director of TG Reggio Franzini, of an incorrect analysis of reality.

Yes, perhaps of the sad and overbearing reality of Reggio that I didn’t imagine could get to this point. A reality very far from true democracy.”

Giovanni Tarquini

Reggio Emilia chooses Marco Massari as new mayor. RESULTS | PHOTO | VIDEO

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