Tragedy in Casale, 18 year old found lifeless at home | Today Treviso | News

FARMHOUSE – Casale in mourning for the sudden death of Filippo Simionato, an 18-year-old young man, found lifeless yesterday in his home in via Schiavonia. Filippo lived with his family and, despite some health problems for which he was undergoing drug therapy, nothing predicted a tragedy of this magnitude.

Filippo’s mother, returning home in the early afternoon after leaving for an errand, discovered her son’s body unconscious between the living room and the bedroom. In shock, she immediately alerted the emergency services. An ambulance from Treviso’s Suem118, a medical vehicle and two carabinieri patrols intervened on the scene. Despite attempts at resuscitation, there was nothing that could be done for Filippo. The ambulance left with the sirens turned off, a tragic sign of his death.

Investigations underway

At the moment, it is not clear what caused the young man’s death. The police are examining various hypotheses, including a possible illness linked to taking the drugs or sudden cardiac death, a rare event but possible even at a young age. Filippo’s body was transferred to the morgue of the Treviso hospital, where it will be subjected to an autopsy and possible toxicological tests to clarify the causes of death.

The Pain of the Community

Philip was attending night school. His death shocked the entire community of Casale. The mayor Stefania Golisciani expressed the condolences of the municipal administration: “We rally around the young man’s family. The sudden loss of such a young boy represents an immense pain for all of us. We are speechless. The municipal administration is close to the family and makes itself available to give them support in the face this difficult moment.”

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