Tomato alert: 18 out of 20 brands contain dangerous doses of Bisphenol A

A worrying analysis reveals that many tomato products exceed the recommended daily dose of this controversial chemical compound by up to 28 times.

Woman checking a tomato sauce (

Bisphenol A in tomatoes, the worrying situation emerges from a recent survey. Which shows how there is a need to pay more attention to the production processes. The recorded levels of this substance are far too high.

And what comes from the world of food research is a real alarm: An in-depth study has in fact found that the majority of tomato-based products on the market are contaminated with worrying quantities of Bisphenol A (also called BPA), a chemical substance considered harmful to health.

The research, conducted by a team of experts from various Italian universities, analyzed a sample of 20 leading brands of peeled tomatoes, purees, sauces and tomato pulp. The results are alarming to say the least. As many as 18 of these products detected BPA levels above the recommended daily dose, even exceeding it up to 28 times.

“We are facing a very serious problem that concerns food safety and the protection of public health,” declared Professor Enrico Rossi, coordinator of the study. “Bisphenol A is a very controversial substance, suspected of having harmful effects on the endocrine system and fertility”.

“Finding so much Bisphenol A in peeled tomatoes packaged in such high doses in commonly used products such as peeled tomatoes is truly worrying.”

Bisphenol in tomatoes, what are its harmful effects on health

Bisphenol A (

Experts explain that the presence of BPA in tomato products is mainly due to the use of cans and plastic containers for processing and storing the product. This chemical can indeed migrate from packaging to food, contaminating it.

“We expect the competent authorities to intervene urgently to protect consumers,” added Professor Rossi. “In the meantime, the advice is to prefer tomato-based products packaged in glass or tetrapak, avoiding those in cans as much as possible. Health comes first.”

BPA is known to have estrogen-like properties and can interfere with normal functioning of the endocrine system. This can cause hormonal imbalances and impact fertility, sexual development, growth and metabolism.

Several studies have associated BPA exposure with reduced sperm quality, ovarian dysfunction, miscarriages and fertility problems in both men and women.

BPA can cross the placenta and reach the fetus, putting its development at risk. It has been linked to a greater risk of premature birth, low birth weight, and learning and behavior problems in children.

How many other possible risks

And some research has highlighted a link between exposure to BPA and an increased risk of hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. Then BPA could contribute to the development of obesity, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome by altering metabolism and glucose homeostasis.

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Animal studies have shown that BPA can have negative effects on the development and functioning of the nervous system, with possible repercussions on learning, memory and behavior.

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Some epidemiological evidence suggests that exposure to BPA may be associated with an increased risk of certain types of cancer, such as prostate, breast and ovarian cancer.

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Since many of these effects are still the subject of debate in the scientific community, it is essential that the competent authorities regulate the use of this chemical substance more strictly to protect public health.

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