«A comparison in the light of day»

«I want an American-style public confrontation with Laura Nargi and the Avellino journalists in Piazza Libertà. Does public opinion have the right to know if my opponent was complicit in the system of power that led to the moral drift of this city, or did she not notice anything? If she was distracted, how can the people of Avellino entrust her with the leadership of the city?”.

The run-off race gets underway immediately, Antonio Gengaro is the first to throw the stone to conquer the tricolor band. The standard-bearer of the city’s centre-left called the press “urgently” yesterday morning at the headquarters of the electoral committee in Piazza Libertà to reiterate the cornerstones of his work as opposed to those who carry forward the experience of the outgoing administration.

«I am ready to confront Laura Nargi, in the light of the sun – announces Gengaro -, in lowest moment for the political-administrative history of the capital it is necessary to restore to the citizens one truth above all else: whether the outgoing deputy was an accomplice or an unaware actress of a management that rigged public competitions, did not publish the resolutions, managed contracts asking for contributions for demonstrations and events passing through the sports club created by mayor Festa. Not only that, she was offended by rigging that too, the glorious tradition of Avellino’s Ferragosto. To close with the disappearance of the computer owned by the municipality. What was on that computer? We need to start from here – he adds – the citizens’ different visions of the city arrive a moment later”.
He starts by thanking the press and the Gengaro citizens «for the great consensus they have given me. I appeal to all the healthy forces of the city to restore dignity and pride to Avellino – he continues – I invite everyone not to go to the seaside for the ballot, maximum attention and mobilization is needed for a decisive appointment. We are ahead – he says – my people will be able to choose for the best».

The vote in the first round, explains Gengaro, restored all the political value of the coalition led by the Democratic Party: «There was no defection – he claims – this deployment will be united until the end. We are in the field to take on the difficulties of the last, of the humble, of those who experience the hardships of run-down municipal housing, of an area plan that has been slow to start. My opponents talk about technological innovation, perhaps they didn’t see what happened at the registry office for the delivery of voter ID cards, it felt like being in a souk. Enough with rights exchanged for favors, we don’t need any cronyism »she accuses.

On the verge, the blow to the most voted in the electoral round is clear, the outgoing councilor for Equal Opportunities, Transparency and Housing Policies Marianna Mazza: «They tell me she dealt with housing, it has always been an edgy topic in Avellino, generating a lot of consensus. No one has ever seen them in these years, yet they are popping up like mushrooms, I wish them well » she starts. To those who ask him to account for the complicated managements linked to the power system of the Pd-led bodies, such as the failure of Alto Calore and Asidep, lastly the management of the municipality of Monteforte, which was placed under police administration for mafia infiltration with the mayor Costantino Giordano under investigation, Gengaro is clear : «I am not afraid of anyone and I do not shy away from the truth. I have waged deadly battles on these issues, especially on Monteforte. A correct press should acknowledge this.”

«The great result of the first administrative round in Avellino – say Vincenzo Ciampi, M5S provincial coordinator and Rita Sciscio, representative of Avellino’s M5S territorial group – confirms the validity of the progressive front’s project and the intuition of President Giuseppe Conte. The M5S, despite a decline following that at a national level, was decisive for the success in the first round of the mayoral candidate Antonio Gengaro. The game is not over and voters, members and candidates of the M5S will be increasingly close to Gengaro. With him at the helm – with our elected officials, candidates and activists – we will contribute in the city council to the rebirth of this city, devastated by the five years of the Festa administration”.


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