Pozzuoli: bradyseism complicates the procedures for revoking evictions


The president of the technicians and manufacturers association, Rossano Ricciardi expresses great concern following the complex procedures implemented by the municipality of Pozzuoli to respond to the union eviction orders, issued after the last earthquake swarm of last May 20th.

“A few hours ago a sort of handbook appeared on the institutional website of the Municipality of Pozzuoli to respond to eviction orders: a cumbersome administrative procedure, a wonderful example of creative techno-bureaucracy.”

Rossano Ricciardi expresses his amazement, having received reports from numerous members of the Association he presides over, who have come across this nightmare.

First of all, I want to express my solidarity with these unfortunate citizens who, to the damage of the earthquake and of a precautionary eviction, are adding insult to injury by being forced to produce an avalanche of documents, in addition to the dutiful and usual Certificate of End of Danger produced by a qualified technician.

Another earthquake hits citizens and complicates the work of technicians and companies who have been working for days to bring the evicted families safely back into their homes.

We have news of a very high percentage of precautionary evictions which are based on analyzes which have proven to be completely incorrect, with the result that many families are out of their homes unnecessarily and after this “administrative complication” who knows when they will be able to return. I wonder – adds Ricciardi – how is it possible that such important topics are treated without any sharing? How will the Municipality of Pozzuoli, after having bureaucratically burdened all the ongoing procedures, support the expenses of many families away from home?

And even if in a still calm condition like this the municipality has burdened itself with so much bureaucracy, how will it be able to deal with situations when there could be real damage to private real estate?”

Ricciardi first appeals to the mayor Luigi Manzoni asking him to set up a technical table between professional orders and trade associations.

“I will immediately contact Mayor Manzoni and the leaders of the national and regional civil protection to bring my contribution and that of the many members of the association, who have specific skills for the interventions to be implemented, in an affair that has taken on surreal implications.

The president closes the statement with an appeal to the government and the possibility, already announced, of financing seismic improvement and adaptation interventions on private buildings. If this happens, it will be necessary for the methods of intervention and spending to be well evaluated and the actors and implementation procedures identified, to prevent resources from being wasted needlessly.

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