Acc “freezes” the Gigafactory project in Termoli

A very hot summer is looming on the trade union side, especially among metalworkers. The long-awaited summit with Acc at Mimit has turned into a psychodrama for the social partners, who are not talking about postponing but blocking the Gigafactory project. The vice-president of the Molise Region, Andrea Di Lucente, also spoke in this regard, present in Rome. A specific discussion on the Stellantis plant in Termoli and a constant check of what will happen with Acc. This is the commitment undertaken by the Ministry of Made in Italy at the request of the Molise Region. The meeting on the Stellantis-Acc transition was held yesterday afternoon. It was supposed to be the final meeting, but from the beginning Acc announced the «postponement of the Gigafactory project, both in Termoli and in Germany. At the end of the year, more specific timing will be given based on the testing of a new chemistry for the batteries.” An announcement that “froze” the negotiation, which has been going on for over 9 months. «In light of these news, we ask that Stellantis increases production, linked to the arrival of other internal combustion engines in Termoli. Furthermore, we ask that a table be set up in the presence of the Minister to discuss the future – the councilor for Productive Activities of the Molise Region, Andrea Di Lucente, forcefully asked – we have planned Molise’s industrial strategy around this strategic investment, we thought to training, infrastructure, packages, everything oriented around Acc. Now we must take note of the news and redefine our future.” Acc asked for more time, a postponement of the start of the project. Representatives of Stellantis were also present at the meeting and explained the reasons for the investment review, linked to a general new orientation on the ecological transition, which was extended over time. A new specific table on Molise will therefore be started with Stellantis and a concomitant monitoring of the Acc investment. «Our request has been accepted – continued Di Lucente – now we will continue our battle in favor of the Molise territory and to protect employment in both factories. In the meantime, we will constantly dialogue with the unions.” In fact, the meeting only gave a formal guise to the indiscretions of the last few days, fueled by an agency launch and ended up becoming a matter of political controversy during the election campaign in Termoli. But the metalworking unions are not on board: «Unacceptable suspension of the Termoli Gigafactory project. From the very elusive attitude held today by Acc to the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, it is clear that the construction project of the gigafactory in Termoli is not simply postponed by a few months, but suspended at least until the end of the year without no certainty for the future.
This is a situation that as trade unions we cannot accept and for which we have asked the Government and the Molise Region to undertake joint action aimed at obtaining clarity from Acc and from Stellantis itself. Acc said it was unavailable to continue any discussion until the end of the year and consequently interrupted the negotiations which until a few weeks seemed close to an agreement. Its justification is twofold and focuses on the one hand on the slowdown in demand for electric vehicles and on the other on the need for a technological update on the batteries to be produced. Faced with this, we first of all ask the Government to help us force ACC’s hand so that it reveals its strategies, also because almost four hundred million in public incentives are at stake. At the same time we ask Stellantis to fully assume its responsibilities, to clarify which engines it will produce in Termoli and for how many years, since reassurances of principle such as those received today which are not corroborated by precise production assignments cannot be enough. Furthermore, we ask Stellantis to assume its responsibilities also towards Acc, of which it is both the main shareholder and the main customer. Mimit talks about meeting again in September, but for us Termoli is one of the plants on which to clarify at the general automotive table which we expect to be taken up by the Presidency of the Council in the coming weeks”. Position statement by Fim-Fiom-Uilm-Fismic-Uglm-Aqcfr

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