Tuscan healthcare, “social mobility” for those who work far from home and want to get closer is coming with an Estar call

Tuscan healthcare, “social mobility” for those who work far from home and want to get closer is coming with an Estar call
Tuscan healthcare, “social mobility” for those who work far from home and want to get closer is coming with an Estar call

At the start a constructive path of the unions with the Tuscany Region to arrive at defining for the workers of healthcarestarting from the next few weeks, one mobility that is defined as ‘social’thus allowing hundreds of workers in the sector to bring the workplace closer to home: an agreement was reached yesterday between the parties that goes in this direction.

“We hope that in the next few weeks this other important piece of regional trade union relations will be signed – they say Riccardo Bartolini (FP Cgil Toscana), Mauro Giuliattini (CISL Fp Toscana) and Flavio Gambini (Uil Fpl Toscana) -. In this case the point is the mobility of the regional health service staff who today find themselves struggling across kilometer distances to reach their workplace, with high rents which are becoming an insurmountable obstacle with the current salaries in the sector. Critical issues that weigh enormously on family budgets.”

A situation, that of employees who work away from home, which derives from hiring during the Covid period, which fortunately today is a distant memory but whose ‘effects’ are felt for those workers included in healthcare in the emergency phase and included in health facilities often very far from home.

“For this reason we do not hesitate to characterize this innovative agreement as a sort of ‘social mobility’ which will allow us to take a snapshot of the situation for try to bring workers back close to their families and their homes – say the three trade unionists -. We therefore expect it to be released within a few weeks tender which will be managed by Estar able to put a firm point on the situation.”

The hypothesis is to understand who needs to move and build a ranking based on distances and family loads; ranking from which the healthcare company that has to hire would draw for part of its needs.

Bartolini, Giuliattini and Gambini then broaden the discussion on the front of the comparison with the Region: “The first results are arriving. In recent weeks we have in fact signed an agreement which concerned the technicians responsible for checks and controls for safety at work: in fact, a percentage of the sanctions imposed on companies for shortcomings relating to safety at work is allocated to the prevention technicians themselves. . And this is the first objective achieved.” The meetings between the parties will continue in the next few days and the topic of additional salary will also be at the center of the discussion: “The public functions of CGIL, CISL and UIL have long been aiming to find an agreement for fresh resources that can arrive from the Region from be able to invest in the employees of the regional health service through those institutions that are provided for in the contract under the heading of additional salary, allocating fresh resources to supplementary company bargaining. Still in the same context, the other commitment is to make economic treatments already regulated at national level homogeneous”, conclude the three trade unionists.

Source: Press Office

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