this is how the drug king explains the network of paid dealers

this is how the drug king explains the network of paid dealers
this is how the drug king explains the network of paid dealers

Vincenzo Milazzo was the head of a drug dealing organization in the Como area and ended up among the suspects in the Como Flying Squad operation last May: in the calls intercepted by the police it is he who explains how he organizes his network of pushers.

I have the whole area in my hands, I have all these mountains here in my hands. I have everything in my hands Grass, Merone, Costa Masnaga. I have all the squares in my hand, previously I also had them in my hand Madonna di Campigno in Trento“. Speaking, in a call intercepted by the Como Flying Squad, is Vincenzo Milazzo at the head of the drug dealing organization in the Como area and ended up among those under investigation in the operation of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Milan last May.

Milazzo knows he is the leader of the group: “Everything that talks about cocaine and smoking… I’m the one who decidesor”. Just as it prevents others from dealing on its territory: “If I had to go by what others tell me… I wouldn’t have to let anyone work. They should all come to me because they gave me this thing understood?”.

Because for him it’s about work that we’re talking about. So much so that he manages his organization as if it were a company made up of “workers” – as he himself defines them – who perceive a monthly salary: “Every month they have their salary… I will give salaries to ten people. (…) I make everyone eat“, we hear Vincenzo Milazzo say in a call. The investigations revealed that he was the one who personally managed the drug dealing in the areas of Erba and Canzo-Asso.

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How Vincenzo Milazzo’s drug dealing business worked

He was also the one who managed the compendium, monitored the movements of the vehicles used for dealing and coordinated the drug markets. The agents of the Flying Squad discovered that the sales of narcotic substances took place in an “itinerant form”: they began towards late morning and then continued uninterruptedly until dawn the following day, for a total of 200 drug sales per day. On Whatsapp they managed the organization’s communication among themselves – whom the leader called “workers” and assigned specific tasks to them – and set up meetings with the customers of the narcotic substances. In the end there was a competition among the pushers to be able to work with Milazzo: “They fight over who wants to, over who has to work with me instead of the other“.

What did the worker-pushers do?

In an intercept Vincenzo Milazzo also explained what role his “workers” have: “They don’t buy to sell like everyone else does, they take mine and bring it to all my customers. They get paid for that, so they will never have debt, they will never have anything. If something happens the only one who takes it in the ass is me“. And he assures that their salary is not less than a thousand euros.

In one of his calls that ended up being intercepted, Milazzo reveals the secret of his “success”: first of all that he does not use narcotic substances and also that he considers the activity he carries out as a real job. These are his words: “In the end I do this at work… I’ve never snorted in my life… I’ve had this stuff in my hands for years now… I’m someone who really does my job, I go around in the evening I feed half Lombardy“.

Finally, last May 28, Vincenzo Milazzo ended up among the 30 arrested in the Como state police operation. The Flying Squad’s investigations made it possible to stop two criminal organizations on various charges of criminal association aimed at drug trafficking with the aggravating circumstances of armed association, usury and extortion with the aggravating circumstances of the mafia method , self-laundering for having reused the proceeds of drug dealing to purchase public premises and finance companies, fictitious registration, undue receipt of public funds, for having obtained mortgages through guarantee funds through false documentation.

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