Terni: «European elections should not be confused with local elections»

12 Jun 2024 1.38pm

«The vote in the European elections should not be confused with that of the local elections. It is important to say this, at the risk of going against the grain, because otherwise we will never get out of the situation we find ourselves in. Terni will continue to remain a land of conquest for improvised captains of fortune”, writes the president of Terni Valley, Federica Burgo.

Federica Burgo

«The people of Terni and Terni, at the European elections – he adds – were able to vote in favor of a far-reaching political proposal and with a proportional electoral system. It’s time for those who were rejected by voters in the local elections last year, where the system is majority, to self-criticize. If you think of making fun of the citizens, the ending can be predicted because it is known and always the same: you only make fun of yourself and you are left stranded. The vote that the people of Terni cast in the European elections rather confirms that the result of last year’s local elections is above all a rejection of the local ruling classes and their proposals, which came from above. This is true both on the right and, as far as we are concerned, on the left. The people of Terni have demonstrated several times that they do not want to have anything to do with a self-referential political class, the result of apparatus parasitism and palace plots, which pushes young men and women to distance themselves from politics, unless they accept the role of cavalier servant of decisions pulled out of the hat of the party secretariats. The results of the European elections are the litmus test that when the local ruling classes cannot directly get their hands on political proposals, things go well and citizens return to voting for their parties. Without admitting this – concludes Burgo – and without an assumption of responsibility and a changing of the guard at the helm of the local parties, nothing will change, and all that will remain is to celebrate the victories of others.”

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