Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy: two out of three women affected in Italy

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy: two out of three women affected in Italy
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy: two out of three women affected in Italy

Milan, 12 June. (askanews) – In Italy at least two out of three women suffer from vomiting and nausea during pregnancy. Thus, to investigate a very common but also very underestimated problem, Italfarmaco promoted Purity, the first and only Italian study dedicated to the incidence and above all to the impact that nausea and vomiting can have not only on the quality of life, but also on physical and mental health of expectant mothers. “The impact is a social impact, in the sense that it is one of the most frequent causes of absence from the workplace, but it also has a clinical impact, in the sense that approximately 3-4% of all these pregnancies can result in more severe forms severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, the so-called hyperemesis gravidarum, which requires hospitalization – explains Romolo Di Iorio, associate professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Sapienza University of Rome to askanews -: in this case electrolyte disorders also appear, the dehydration and weight loss”. Not a banal disorder, therefore, but a real pathology. “The narrative of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy must also change in Italy – underlines Di Iorio -. The old narrative of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy was linked to a disorder that was typical of pregnancy, so to speak, etc. Already in other countries in the Northern Europe and the USA have changed this narrative: it is a real pregnancy complication with extremely important complications and therefore clearly must be treated appropriately.” The study dedicates ample space to the therapeutic treatments most recommended by experts. “It is currently possible to do something to reduce this problem, which I want to remind you that it is not only a problem for the woman at that moment but can also lead to various feeding difficulties and we have seen with our study that the risk of pre-birth also increases term – clarifies Irene Cetin, full professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Milan and director of Obstetrics at the Milan Polyclinic -. So they are effects that must be considered seriously and which we must therefore possibly treat: there are drugs that allow it to be done currently on the market”. The challenge, for Italfarmaco, is to shine a spotlight on a problem that affects more than two thirds of pregnant Italian women. “Italfarmaco – Mario Mangrella, director of Medical Scientific and Regulatory Affairs of the multinational tells us – has always been involved in the world of gynecology and we have a portfolio of products that covers the most important problems, from young women up to menopause. What was missing in the The scientific information was precisely a snapshot of this problem that afflicts some pregnant women, nausea and vomiting, and we wanted to complete a platform of clinical studies for this purpose.”

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