Regional healthcare, L’Aquila also asks for more funds –

L’AQUILA – The majority regional councillors, Maria Assunta RossiMarianna Annoying and Carla Mannetti, intervene on the outcome of the hearings held yesterday by the “Health Commission” of the Abruzzo Regional Council. The manager of the Local Health Authority No. 1 of L’Aquila was interviewed and the manager of the Teramo ASL. “The comparison was fruitful – declare the councilors – the ASL n. 1 of L’Aquila, with a low population density of 58 inhabitants per km² and a territorial extension of over 5000 km², faces higher operating costs than other local health authorities. In our province, in fact, there are: 3 1st level DEAs, 1 hospital in a disadvantaged area, 2 PTAs in Pescina and Tagliacozzo, 1 hospice, 1 REMS. To guarantee local services, there are 73 offices distributed throughout the province, including 24 118 stations and 29 CUP offices. The territory of the Province of L’Aquila, precisely because it is so vast, must guarantee and strengthen a territorial healthcare network. Proximity services are, therefore, fundamental for internal areas”. The regional councilors Annoying, Mannetti And Rossiin light of what emerged during the Commission’s work, in taking note of what was reported by the general director Roman and from the health sector, Mascitellithey ask the health councilor True that an increase in the share of the health fund allocated to the province of L’Aquila be provided, which in past years has been penalized due to fewer transfers compared to other provinces, underlining the particular needs of the L’Aquila area. The management of the ASL n. 1, furthermore, confirmed that there will also be an operating loss for the year 2024. “We will continue to monitor the actions of the management of the ASL – continue the councilors – and for this we thank the president of the Health Commission, Paolo Gatti, for the excellent work he is carrying out; we intend to delve deeper the various problems that emerged yesterday during the hearings and to further support ‘proximity healthcare’, based on an approach aimed at prevention and health promotion with particular regard to the care of the most fragile people, in the direction of a provision of services healthcare workers directly at home or in nearby facilities, also considerably reducing improper access to the emergency room”.

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