European elections 2024, in Tuscany the Democratic Party is the first party but Giorgia Meloni is the most voted

After the 2024 European elections, in Tuscany the Democratic Party is the first party but Giorgia Meloni is the most voted, from the definitive results of the 2024 European elections in Tuscany, it emerges that:

Most voted parties

  • The Democratic Party (PD) was the first party in Tuscany with 31.90% of the votes and 527,265 preferences. Although decreasing compared to the 33.31% of the 2019 European elections, the PD improved the result of the 2022 elections when it obtained 26.4%.
  • Fratelli d’Italia (FdI) came in second place with 27.44% of the votes and 453,198 preferences, making a real leap forward compared to the 4.93% of the 2019 European elections. FdI replaced the League as the main force of the center-right in Tuscany.
  • The 5 Star Movement (8.22%) and the Green and Left Alliance (7.55%) were third and fourth political forces respectively.

Most voted candidates

  • Giorgia Meloni (FdI) was the most voted candidate in Tuscany with 125,560 preferences.
  • Dario Nardella (PD), outgoing mayor of Florence, was the second most voted with 60,436 preferences, even surpassing the secretary Elly Schlein (50,458).
  • General Roberto Vannacci (Lega) obtained 37,028 preferences, more than the outgoing candidate Susanna Ceccardi.

Therefore, although the PD was the first party, the leader of FdI Giorgia Meloni was the candidate most voted by Tuscans in the 2024 European elections

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