«Against smog, use smart working»

The Region has given the green light to PUMS, the Municipality’s sustainable mobility plan, albeit with different indications contained in the final summary document. The Region sets some plan objectives: for example, the number of injuries in road accidents should be halved compared to 2020, the days of exceeding Pm10 must be reduced and carbon neutrality must be achieved by 2050.

More generally, from Viale Aldo Moro it is recalled that «for the purposes of preparing the biennial monitoring report, functional to verifying the state of implementation of the plan, the effects produced and the contribution of the same to the achievement of environmental sustainability objectives, it is appropriate that the relevant targets are associated with the indicators used for the evaluation and monitoring of the Plan”.

For the purposes of pursuing regional planning and programming objectives, it is recommended to «evaluate, also during the implementation of the PUMS, the introduction of innovative experimental measures, which can limit the need to travel with vehicles powered by fossil fuel, such as, for example for example, the use of smart working on days with greater influxes or when air quality limits are exceeded, or the adoption of city timetable and service policies that allow for a further reduction in the need to travel”.

The Region also invites us to continue meetings with citizens and stakeholders to keep them updated on the results of the PUMS: «Also to give substance to the principle of “feedback”; in particular, in the implementation and monitoring phase of the PUMS, maintain an open discussion on the results of the monitoring, also to share any reorientations of the PUMS in light of the new needs and changes that have occurred”.

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