Municipal elections 2024: results in Tuscany

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In the run-off with over ten points of margin in Florence, victory in the first round in Livorno and Prato with double-digit gaps over the centre-right candidate. It will no longer be a red fort, but centre-left Tuscany emerges refreshed from this first round of administrative elections, in addition to the positive result of the European elections with the Democratic Party remaining the leading party. It is difficult to predict a success in Livorno with thirty points of difference between the reconfirmed Luca Salvetti and the main challenger, Alessandro Guarducci of the centre-right: 51.65% against 22.60% in the duel between journalists. Valentina Barale’s (left + 5Stelle) result was excellent with 18.8%.

No second round even in Prato, which will have its first female mayor. The regional councilor of the dem Ilaria Bugetti (also supported by Avs, Cinque Stelle and + Europa) won with 51.22% of the votes, almost eleven more than Gianni Cenni, the Melonian candidate supported by the entire centre-right, stuck at 41.37%. . The third pole is bad, here unusually together, which does not go beyond 2.35% with Mario Daneri and remains outside the city council.

Among the curiosities of this electoral round, the run-off for a handful of votes in Montecatini Terme between the outgoing mayor Luca Baroncini – Tuscan regional coordinator of the League, supported by the entire centre-right coalition and Claudio Del Rosso, candidate of a broad coalition including Pd , M5s, Action/Republicans and a civic list. Del Rosso surpassed Renzian Edoardo Fanucci by just ten votes, a former deputy of the Democratic Party, who then moved to Italia Viva, now supported by a series of civic lists. Remaining in the province of Pistoia, another “safe haven” for the left: this time it is Lamporecchio. In the city of Brigidino, in fact, Anna Trassi won, the first female mayor, supported by the civic list ‘Together we change for Lamporecchio’.

Returning to the ballots, in Piombino for a few hundred preferences it will be the second round between the mayor of the Fratelli d’Italia Francesco Ferrari (blocked at 49.38%) and the former mayor Gianni Anselmi of the Democratic Party (35.42%). Similar story in Pontedera where the outgoing Matteo Franconi (Pd) stops at 49.3% and will have to deal with the candidate of Fratelli d’Italia, Matteo Bagnoli (37.93%).

Also in the province of Pisa, in Capannoli, the internal war within the Democratic Party ended with the victory of the outgoing mayor Arianna Cecchini (supported by Alessandra Nardini, regional councilor) against Barbara Cionini, chosen instead by the party leaders and the official Dem candidate. A few kilometers away, seventh mandate in Peccioli for Renzo Macelloni who in this round only had to deal with the quorum, given that he was the only candidate. And he won without problems, given that the turnout was 72%.

Four also ran solo in the Arezzo area: Eleonora Ducci in Talla, Emanuele Ceccherini in Ortignano Raggiolo, Marco Ermini in Castiglion Fibocchi and Franco Dori in Sestino. In the province of Prato, in Vernio, a very narrow success for Maria Lucarini who becomes first citizen by just 22 votes, 1305 against Marco Ciani’s 1283.

The surprise of the ballots between the dem and the left

The regional vote

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