Marche, President Acquaroli: «The coalition is healthy, the vote is the result of the many reforms» – Current News – CentroPagina

Marche, President Acquaroli: «The coalition is healthy, the vote is the result of the many reforms» – Current News – CentroPagina
Marche, President Acquaroli: «The coalition is healthy, the vote is the result of the many reforms» – Current News – CentroPagina

ANCONA – The president of Marche region, Francesco Acquaroliintervenes in the Corso Mazzini headquarters of Fratelli d’Italia after European and the Administrative of many municipalities to comment on the vote of the Marche residents. Infrastructure, healthcare, discontinuity with the past, concrete responses to the people of the Marche and also a comment on the electoral success of Matteo Ricci, his possible opponent in the next regional elections. Starting, naturally, from his comment on the vote: «This is the result of the work we are doing daily at all levels, on the territory, in the institutions, to try to tell that new story that we announced in the Regionals of 2020 – thus attacked Francesco Acquaroli –. He was a important test bed, because we cannot hide, and we have never done so, the European elections, fifteen months after the regional elections, and the administrative elections in many municipalities, were fundamental to understanding what the trend was. The citizens gave an unequivocal answer. At the European elections the centre-right coalition achieved a result that he confirms that of 2020 at the Regionals which gets better the result in the political elections was very significant.”

More than satisfied with the outcome of the polls, the president: «It’s a coalition healthy cwho collects the result of many reforms that we are putting in place and the many answers that we are trying to address the various critical issues. I think about the post-earthquake reconstructionto the answer to flood dramaat infrastructure. But also healthcare reforms which are taking shape and are being transformed into answers. We are certainly waiting for the corporate documents, it was a prejudice to want to judge a reform before the corporate documents, we talked about this in this electoral campaign just as we are trying to build a vision of our region that can enhance what is its great manufacturing, artisanal, cultural and agricultural vocation. These responses are also important in the face of an identity crisis in a fragmented and very parochial territory. A plural region that needs a single objective and a single vision.”

Francesco Acquaroli also spoke about the results of the PD and of upcoming regional elections: «I never look at my opponents, it is right that they do their own thing and try to build an alternative to the government as we have done for many years. I saw a great personal achievement from the mayor Ricci, but the Democratic Party has not broken through, the truth is this. Indeed, the centre-right coalition held up very well.” As for his next opponent Acquaroli concluded: «The centre-left coalition will choose it, we are concentrated to continue to provide those answers that have been missing for too many years. On infrastructure, we have a gap to fill that dates back over thirty years. In the nineties our region, together with the others in central Italy, was one of those with problems. The others have made progress, except for the quadrilateral and the third lane, which can be traced back to a particular moment, we were left at a standstill. We are a region in transition, and this means a region that is not growing, rather, that is decreasing, and this is a negative factor due to many variables, such as having lost a bank. And while we lost a bank, other things were happening in the rest of Italy.”

Acquaroli asks a series of questions to explain his point of view and the current policy of the centre-right: «On infrastructure: why in 35 years have the answers not arrived that are now arriving? And again: on the ability to give strong answers to what were the weaknesses of our territory, why was no answer ever given in the face of important tragedies and now those answers are arriving? These are questions we asked the people of the Marche region. We are not interested in who will be the centre-left candidate for the role of president in the next Regional elections. We are interested in explaining theour goalThat it’s not winning electionsbut that’s it change the regionThis is the substantial difference. In three and a half years of government we have laid the foundations, in a year and a half of national government there has been a discontinuity with respect to the strength and ability to give answers that have never arrived before. We want to continue. Then in a year and a half the people of the Marche will say whether they want to return to the past or continue to write a new story with us».

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