European vote in Carpi. Plebiscite for Bonaccini and Meloni. FdI advances. The Democratic Party takes off with social media in mourning. And there are those who embrace the cause of abstentionism Current affairs

European vote in Carpi. Plebiscite for Bonaccini and Meloni. FdI advances. The Democratic Party takes off with social media in mourning. And there are those who embrace the cause of abstentionism Current affairs
European vote in Carpi. Plebiscite for Bonaccini and Meloni. FdI advances. The Democratic Party takes off with social media in mourning. And there are those who embrace the cause of abstentionism Current affairs

It’s a vote exquisitely political, that of the European elections: and politics requires close comparisons, because it reflects the rapid evolution of times and circumstances. For this reason, a realistic comparison of the results requires first of all referring to the latest policies of 2022, given that the European elections of five years ago took place in completely different conditions. AND in comparison with 2022 the advance of 10 percent of the Democratic Party stands out, which stands at 45.19 percent) and of Fratelli d’Italia which advances further (plus 3 percent) compared to the good outcome of 2022 reaching 23.43. The 5 Star Movement continues its downward phase, almost halving, while Forza Italia, with We Moderates, increases the already good result of 2022 by a slight 0.20. And the League, which in Salvini’s heyday, in 2019, precisely, it had reached 29.08, in the year of the first run-off in Carpi’s post-war history, and which in 2022 had already slipped to 6.2, it still lost almost three points, stopping at 4.78. What stands out, as everywhere else, is the leap forward of Avs, the Green Left Alliance which, with its 5.81 percent, overtakes Forza Italia and ranks fourth among the city’s political forces. Bad news, however, for the moderate liberal progressive center of Action, which loses almost five points for 2022, and +Europa which drops from 3.05 to 2.73 percent. follows

We will see what happens with the political-administrative vote but the first thing you notice, in terms of, we repeat, the strict political orientation of the city is that the deafening anti-PD noise emitted by social media was marginalized, just as the Giorgia effect was evident even in the city, where she was given a personal consensus of over two thousand votes (only Bonaccini surpasses her, with 5 thousand 563). Someone, who is not sure of the outcome, has rushed to inconvenience, as if to reduce everything, the cause of abstentionism, embracing it as if it were a party in itself, representative of disgust and detachment from politics. And if it is true that there was a decrease compared to 2022, of nine percentage points and of eleven compared to 2022, it is equally true that it decides who goes to vote and that Fratelli d’Italia, with the center-right coalition, although an expression of a minority of those entitled, it is in Rome that governs with full legitimacy. Then we can make all the necessary reflections on what is a real crisis of representation, but at the moment those who vote count, those who don’t suffer.

Gleanings on European preferences: General Vannacci collected 439, which are not few and reveal some profound thoughts that also lurk in Carpi; Bonaccini received a real plebiscite, immediately followed by Giuditta Pini, a clear sign that the assiduity in the area and also the final rally counted; modest result for Antonio Platis, Forza Italia candidate from Bassa, but even Tajani, with his 153 votes, cannot be said to be triumphant, at least in Carpi; in proportion, if you look at the notoriety, but still remaining lower, he did better Giulia Pigoni with her 133 votes gathered in Carpi thanks to a certain assiduity in the initiatives of the United for Carpi list, which united the Renzians, like her, with Più Europa and the civics of Laboratorio Carpi. The indications of the European elections would suggest a smooth progress for Riccardo Righi, candidate of the center left, but it is always necessary to keep in mind the complexity of the moods that determine the administrative vote.

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