European election results, Giusy Princi wins by a landslide

And the Prince Day.

The former head teacher of the ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ scientific high school Giusy Princes fly to Strasbourg. A surprising result to say the least, an overwhelming success that of the latest European elections, which rewards the courage of a woman appreciated by all. Even from the people of the center-left.

83,949 voters from southern Italy wrote the word ‘Princes‘ on the ballot paper. Of these 65,684 are those obtained in Calabria of which 30,601 in the province of Reggio Calabria.

Still tightening the circle, 11,451 they are the people from Reggio who voted for Giusy Princi. A true plebiscite for a politician who has won the trust of a large portion of voters in a very short time, as well as the affection of many young people.

And it is precisely in the new generations that Giusy Princes he bet everything (or almost everything) during his electoral campaign. The former principal ofWin‘, today a woman of the institutions in the role of vice president of the Calabria regionspoke above all to the belly of the kids, touching their hearts, among values, ambitions And visions future.

He talked about opportunity workingOf relaunch of territory. He talked about hope, credibility, skills. She did it with grace, balance, elegance. Without insulting rivals, without vulgar lunges. Without raising the tone. Able to avoid confrontation, she traveled far and wide, in dozens of squares, meeting thousands of people, and always paying particular attention to young Calabrians.

Contrary to all the other politicians, right and left, he has not based any speech on a personal attack or on criticism of this or that party. He didn’t point the finger at ‘previous administrations’, but always looked only to the future, with a healthy and spontaneous optimism.

Like a good teacher, Giusy Princi he explained to the voters why it was important to go and vote, he accompanied them by the hand, encouraging even the most disheartened people to vote, he convinced them to go to the polling station and express their preference.

He also underlined the importance of citizens’ active participation in the European elections and he did so in the simplest, most genuine way. Better. With honesty, humility and fairness. Arguing the individual themes. Without spot phrases and banal slogans.

For this, and for a thousand other reasons, Giusy Princi today he won, or rather won by a landslide. For these reasons the Calabrians (and not only) have rewarded her by recognizing in her the abilities that every politician should have.

A competent woman, therefore, in the broadest sense because she is able to understand people’s problems, capable of ‘reading’ and examining the various issues in depth. We will see in the future if she will also be able to find the right solutions. Difficult but not impossible task.

Now she will also be in the European Parliament, a woman from Reggio (originally from Mannoli) which will lead to Europe the needs of the people of Reggio and Calabria.

She will be the first woman from Reggio to represent us in Europe.

From Mannoli to Brussels.


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