“An extraordinary result in the province of Latina” – Luna Notizie – Notizie di Latina

LATINA – “Not only at a national level, even in the province of Latina Fratelli d’Italia confirms itself as the most voted party. In our area, moreover, the percentage figure is doubly satisfactory because it records a significant growth compared to the 33.9% obtained in the province in previous policies. Now 34.82% of voters expressed their preference for FdI. The result in the capital is truly extraordinary, where the party obtained 37.72%, one of the best figures in Italy. Consensus is growing and this vote also represents confirmation for all our administrators and mayors who govern, together with their centre-right allies, in many municipalities in the Province”. So in a note the senator Nicola Calandrini, provincial coordinator of FdI Latina.

“While in Europe many governments, I am thinking of the French and Belgian ones, fall as a result of the European elections, more and more Italians are choosing to confirm their trust in Giorgia Meloni and her government team. And the trend is the same in the territories too. The inhabitants of the province of Latina have decided to promote the concreteness in responding to the needs of citizens demonstrated by the Brothers of Italy and the center-right. It is yet another piece of data that validates the choices made in the recent past and I am sure that the trend will be the same when we have the definitive result of the administrative elections” continues Calandrini.

“I am also proud of the success achieved in the province by Nicola Procaccini. The community of patriots that I am honored to coordinate has truly worked in unison by rallying around our candidate who, having registered more than 27 thousand preferences, has more than doubled his personal consensus. I truly congratulate the entire Fratelli d’Italia community who not only during the election campaign, but throughout the year, does an excellent job throughout the territory. The growth of Fratelli d’Italia is undeniable, at a national and local level and we can only be extremely satisfied with this. From today we are therefore even more motivated to continue working head-on to respond to the needs of our fellow citizens – concludes the Senator – Obviously we cannot ignore the abstention figure. Even in this election cycle, too many citizens deserted the polls. It is a fact that requires an even greater assumption of responsibility and which will push us, even in the provincial territory, to implement our information work. Politics is the engine of democracy, every day there are many results achieved, obstacles overcome and above all choices made which affect all citizens, which we must try to inform more and more. Certainly, the result obtained by Fratelli d’Italia also in terms of participation in events, makes us understand that also in terms of passion and penetration into the territories, we have taken the right path”

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