European Championships 2024, Fratelli d’Italia advances in Lombardy but the Democratic Party holds on in Milan, Brescia and Bergamo

Fratelli d’Italia takes a leap forwardThe Democratic Party confirms itself in second place and the Lega remains third partywith Forza Italia recovering and the surprise Alleanza Verdi Sinistra which is close to 7% and surpasses the 5 Star Movement: in summary this is the picture of the results of the European elections in Lombardy.

Another figure must be added to these numbers: that of the significantly declining turnout. In the region it was 55.29% against 64.10% in 2019. In Milan it even dropped to 52.91%: it means that practically one voter in two did not go to vote.

Making a comparison with last European elections, when the League was the leading party with 43.38% and Fratelli d’Italia with 5.53%, everything changed. Giorgia Meloni’s party (thanks also to its 379,253 preferences) is first with 31.79% of the votes, the League is third with 13.10%. The Democratic Party holds second place with 22.63% of the votes (it was 23.08 five years ago) and Forza Italia rises to fourth place with 9.31%, overtaking the Five Star Movement which went from 9.34 to 5 .67 and is also behind Alleanza Verdi Sinistra with 6.78%.

Some of them are significant preferences. Roberto Vannacci with his over 113 thousand, Matteo Salvini is confirmed as a good choice for the League, while Umberto Bossi’s endorsement for the former Northern League member Marco Reguzzoni who, as a candidate with Forza Italia, obtained 6531 votes, does not seem to have moved any votes. Plebiscite for the former mayor of Bergamo Giorgio Gori (Pd), second in the region for preferences (161,945), followed by her party colleague Cecilia Stradawith 157,638.

Looking at past policieshowever, the picture confirms the constant growth of the Brothers of Italy, the stability of the League and an increase in preferences for the Pd, Forza Italia and Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra, partly thanks to the over 64 thousand preferences in Lombardy (110 thousand in the constituency ) by Ilaria Salis.

Milan confirms itself as a chapter apart: the city the Democratic Party is the first party with 31.38% of the votes followed by Fratelli d’Italia at 21.73 and by Alleanza Verdi Sinistra in third place, over 10%, followed by Forza Italia at 8.87 and the Lega at 6.13 also surpassed from Action (6.64) and United States of Europe. The Pd is also the first party in Bergamo and Brescia.

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