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European elections, Tamajo wins the “derby” with Falcone and is the most voted Sicilian, party and night toast “the commitment to Sicily wins” – BlogSicilia

European elections, Tamajo wins the “derby” with Falcone and is the most voted Sicilian, party and night toast “the commitment to Sicily wins” – BlogSicilia
European elections, Tamajo wins the “derby” with Falcone and is the most voted Sicilian, party and night toast “the commitment to Sicily wins” – BlogSicilia

Edy Tamajo confirms himself as a top vote getter in Sicily in these European elections. And with over 119 thousand preferences (the data is not yet definitive) he wins the internal “derby” of the Forza Italia-Noi moderates list in the Islands constituency, with a gap at the moment of over 20 thousand votes over Marco Falcone. He is the most voted on the island.

The leaders Caterina Chinnici were only third

The leaders Caterina Chinnici, on whom Antonio Tajani had bet, is only third. While Massimo Dell’Utri, who also received the votes of Totò Cuffaro’s DC, is fourth.

Big party at Tamajo headquarters

Big party in the Tamajo headquarters, in the seaside village of Mondello, in Palermo.

“This success is the result of hard work, dedication and support from our constituents. Thanks to all of you, today we celebrate a victory that represents not only a recognition of our commitment, but also a new beginning for the future of our community,” says Tamajo. The councilor for Productive Activities, very close to the governor Renato Schifani, therefore wins the duel with his council and party colleague Falcone, Maurizio Gasparri’s protégé in Sicily.

Tamajo, “We want to reiterate our commitment to Sicily”

“While we celebrate this important milestone, we want to reiterate our commitment to our Island – adds Tamajo – We are already working to carry forward the projects and initiatives that will contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of our territory. Our priority remains to improve the quality of life of our citizens, through sustainable and innovative policies.”

Tamajo continues: “We are aware of the challenges that await us, but we face the future with the determination and passion that have always distinguished us. Our goal is to best represent the interests of our island in Europe, making our voice heard and working for a stronger and more united Europe. We thank all those who believed in us and supported us on this journey. Your trust is our strength and your active participation will be fundamental to continue growing together. We invite everyone to stay involved and contribute with ideas and suggestions, because only with everyone’s participation can we build a better future. Let us continue to work together, with enthusiasm and determination, for the good of our island and Europe.”

Tamajo thanks the voters

The councilor for Productive Activities of the Sicilian Region, Edy Tamajo, wanted to express his gratitude towards all the voters who placed their trust in him, leading him to be the first elected at the European elections in the constituency of Sicily and Sardinia on the Forza list Italy.

“I would like to sincerely thank all the citizens who have chosen to support me in this electoral round. This extraordinary result is not only a personal victory, but represents the recognition of teamwork and shared commitment for the good of our region. I am honored and deeply grateful for the trust you have placed in me,” said Councilor Tamajo.

At 7pm at the Charleston in Mondello

The councilor, inviting everyone to the Charleston Terraces of Mondello in Palermo at 7pm today, also underlined the importance of this result for the future of Sicily: “This success pushes us to work even harder, with greater determination and passion, to promote the economic and productive development of our land. Your support is our driving force, and together we can achieve increasingly ambitious goals.”

Edy Tamajo finally reiterated his commitment to continue working with transparency, dedication and closeness to citizens: “Your trust charges me with responsibility, and I intend to honor it with concrete and effective political action. Sicily deserves the best, and together we can build a better future for everyone. A sincere thank you to everyone who worked tirelessly alongside me. This result is yours too.”

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