Il Vescovado – Draw between Amalfi Coast and Bisceglie. Sunday 16 June last act of these playoffs

The first leg of the playoff final ends in a draw Bisceglie And Amalfi Coast, played on the difficult Ventura pitch in Bisceglie. In a match characterized by high tempo and suffocating heat, the coastal team managed to snatch a precious 1-1.

The start of the match saw the coastal team start strong, immediately creating an opportunity with Aiana on a free kick from 30 metres. In the 15th minute, Matrone had a great opportunity, but his choice to serve Cappiello instead of shooting allowed Bisceglie’s defense to recover.

Bisceglie, taking advantage of a lucky rebound from a cross from Monaco, found the advantage with a mocking trajectory that went past Manzi. This goal momentarily destabilized the biancazzurri, who however reacted immediately, coming close to equalizing first with Cappiello and then with Caputo.

At the end of the first half, Bisceglie had two good opportunities with Pignataro and Bonicelli, but without success.

In the second half, Costa d’Amalfi immediately lost Cappiello due to an intervention in the area not sanctioned by the referee. However, shortly afterwards, Pepe found the equalizer by heading in a corner taken by Aiana, making the coastal fans who flocked to Puglia explode with joy.

As the minutes passed and the heat continued to make itself felt, the pace of the game dropped, penalizing the coastal players who were not used to such a heavy pitch. Mister Proto was forced to use all the substitutions at his disposal to keep the team’s intensity high.

In the final, Bisceglie attempted to force the ball, but without creating any real danger for Manzi, except with a few crosses from distance.

The final whistle sealed a precious draw for the Amalfi Coast, which will now play its chances of promotion in the return match, scheduled for Sunday 16 June at 4pm in Maiori.


Photo: Michele Abbagnara

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