Bergamo: European Championships 2024, Fratelli d’Italia also wins in Bergamo. Gori is full of preferences

Fratelli d’Italia “wins” these 2024 European elections in Italy and consolidates its position as the first party, but behind it the Democratic Party is growing significantly, also in the face of the collapse of the 5 Star Movement and the League. All this, however, in the face of a national turnout that, for the first time, stopped below the threshold of 50 percent.

This is the summary of the results – currently being finalized with the last seats to be counted – of the elections for the new European Parliament. In particular, FdI is al 28.82%The PD to the 24.02%The M5S to the 9.94%, Forza Italia to the 9.73%, League to the 9.14% And Greens and Left Alliance to the 6.62%. These are the parties that exceed the threshold set at 4%. All the others, starting from United States of Europe (i.e. +Europa and Italia Viva) and Action, will not bring parliamentarians to Brussels having stopped at 3.74% and 3.31% respectively.

The results in Italy

North-West and Lombardy, the results

The national result is confirmed by that of the North-West constituency, which includes Lombardy, Piedmont, Val d’Aosta and Liguria: Brothers of Italy first party with the 30.90%followed by PD to the 23.04% and from League to11.90%which here therefore manages to stay ahead of Forza Italiahowever it went well with his 9.38%. Green Alliances Left follows the 7.11% and the M5S stops at 6.73%.

In Lombardy, Brothers of Italy it gets even better, reaching the 31.79%while the PD scores a 22.63%. They follow League (13.10%), Forza Italia (9.31%) And Avs (6.78%). M5S at 5.67% And Share at 4.02%.

FdI flies to Bergamo (but to Bergamo…)

As regards the province of Bergamo, the confirmation of the growth in the party’s numbers should be noted Giorgia Meloni, the good result of the Democratic Party and a League that is trying to hold its ground in an area historically considered as one of its strongholds. In numbers: FdI 35.25%, PD 22.55%, League 16.19%, FI 8.19%, Avs 5.44% And M5S 4.10%.

The results in Bergamo

It should be underlined that the provincial headcount, in reality, is reversed in Bergamo city, where the first party confirms itself with a large advantage over PD (36.78%), FdI stops at 25.79% and all the other parties are very far away, under ten percent, starting from League (8.04%). The M5Swith the 3.62%, in the city it is also below Action and United States of Europe. These are data that would confirm the exit poll on the municipal elections released last night by Rai, according to which Elena Carnevali would have won the elections by a landslide in the first round.

How did the Bergamo players fare?

Let’s remember that there were five candidates from Bergamo for these European elections (all in the North-West constituency obviously). And the one who fared best of all – as expected – was the outgoing mayor of the Orobic capital, Giorgio Goriwhich he collected further 194,200 preferences, second in the PD list behind only Cecilia Strada (approximately 248,900 preferences). Lara Magonion the list with the Democratic Party, finishes fifth on the list with just over 19,800 preferences and very far from Giorgia Melonifirst with over 584,500 preferences.

He struggled a bit too Giovanni Malanchiniwhich finished eighth in the League list with just over 9,400 preferences, very far from Roberto Vannacci, first with 177,127 preferences. Alzano stops well below the thousand preferences Simonetta Fiaccadoriwhich in the Action list brings home approximately 650 preferences. Just above altitude 700 preferences, however, Luca Perego in the United States of Europe list.

Success for Gori in the Bergamo area

gori gray card

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The outgoing mayor Giorgio Gori at the vote


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Lara Magoni

Malnchini tractor

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Giovanni Malanchini (went to the polling station on the tractor)

Digging a little deeper into these results, we can observe how – understandably – practically all the aforementioned candidates collected the majority of their votes in Lombardy, in particular Gori, who is even first in Lombardy in terms of preferences ahead of Strada: more than 162,200 versus less than 159,500. A gap that becomes very wide in the province of Bergamo, where the outgoing mayor brought home over 51,000 preferences, while Strada just over 17,000. In the Bergamo area, Magoni also does not disappoint with more than 12,800 preferences, below only Meloni (over 44,900). The same goes for Malanchini, who with 8,383 Bergamo preferences closes not far behind Vannacci (just over 13,300).

The last data, which confirms the polls of recent months (which gave very high approval to his Administration) and also the exit poll for the city councils, is that of the preferences collected by Gori in Bergamo city: 11,610, really a lot if you consider that Meloni stopped just above 3,600 preferences and Vannacci at around 1,200.

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